YOGYAKARTA What is fighting disease in Islam is believed to be a disease that cannot be understood with medical knowledge. However, the disease is believed to exist. Even in Islam, prayers are taught to avoid the disease.
The Islamic community in Indonesia is familiar with Goodminton disease with evil eye disease. The name was obtained becausenicity is believed to be caused by a person's negative views on others. This bad view then spiritually interferes with the safety of the person you see.
Reporting from NU Online, a form oftipel's disease was once touched on the processing of the Prophet through one of the hadiths, which means as follows.
Ain is real (Haq), if only something preceded fate, surely ain would precede it (HR Muslim).
Islam clerics also have a definition ofiri disease, one of which is said to be related to the view of admiration and envy.
Ain is an amazed or amazed view accompanied by jealousy from someone who has a bad character that results in danger to the person he sees (Sheikh Ibnu Hajar al-Asqalany, Fath al-Bari, juz 10, h. 200).
From the various explanations, it can be said thatipel disease is a disease that comes from the views of others who have bad traits and when they see other people's happiness without mentioning the name of Allah SWT, envy, and want to harm the person they see.
Based on the fatwa Al Lajnah Ad Daimah, it is explained that Ain comes from the word aana 'ya iinu which means being exposed to something from the point of view. The cause of the appearance oftipel's disease is someone's admiration because it sees a person's happiness, but the admiration is accompanied by a negative soul and bad intentions.
This bad intention was then able to influence people he saw through the media of sight.
Penyebab penyakit sendiri pada dasarnya adalah rasa penyuhan, kehiburu, atau rasa negatif yang dimiliki seseorang atas kehabagianaan orang lain. Penyakit ini juga bisa disebabkan oleh penyasaran berlebihan, sakit, rasa terdzalimi, atau hal negatif lain.
As explained earlier, fire disease cannot be understood medically. The characteristics of penyakit can be known from the stories in the book, one of which is told by Imam Asmu'i in the book Tafsir al-Qurtubi.
Imam Asmu'i said, "I've seen people who have the ability to hear that a cow isfed with milk. Then he was amazed at the milk coming out of the cow. Then he said, 'Are there other cows like this?'
People around him replied, 'The fulan is hiding another cow (whose milk is like the initial cow) hidden from the initial cow'. Then soon the two cows in question died, either hidden or not hidden.'
Imam Asmu also told, 'I heard the person say, 'When I see something amazing, I feel the heat coming out of my eyes',' (Syamsuddin al-Qurtubi, al-Jami' li Ahkam al-Qur'an, juz 9, pp. 227).
From this story can be said that the hallmark of the reason for this is the view of a person's admiration for something accompanied by heat. While the characteristics of someone affected are still a mystery. However, there are several signs that are trusted, namely as follows.
One way to prevent getting hit is with prayer and dhikr. This is as recommended by the founder of the Qur'an Study Center, Professor Muhammad Quraish Shihab.
It is recommended to often recite ta'awudz readings, read letters of protection (mu'awwidzatain), wiridan, and prayers taught by scholars to fortify themselves from bad influences. In addition Prof. Quraish Shihab also recommends involving Allah in every situation.
"Like reading Wirdul Lathif early in the morning, it read Rathibul Haddad at night. Well, it's all to fence us off," said Prof. Quraish Shihab, quoted from NU Online.
That's information about whatip disease is. Visit VOI.id to get more interesting information.
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