YOGYAKARTA How to overcome the bloating wall paint you can apply so that the walls of the house look beautiful and attractive.

Generally, the area with bubbled wall paint will have one or two large bubbles followed by several small bubbles. This situation can make walls and rooms look less attractive, especially when it occurs in living rooms and areas that are easily visible to guests.

So, how to deal with wall paint inflating? The answer to this question can be seen in the following review.

How to deal with bubbled wall paint must be adjusted to the cause.

Summarized from various sources, Monday, June 3, 2024, here are some ways to deal with bubbled wall paint based on the causes.

1. How to deal with bubbled wall paint due to the surface of the dirty wall

A dirty wall surface can cause wall paint to bubble. Therefore, dirt and oil attached to the wall should be cleaned before being painted.

Otherwise, the new paint will find it difficult to stick to the surface because it is covered with dirt. When the paint just dried up, and until a certain limit shrinks, they will be lifted from the surface of the wall. This situation could create bubbles around the droplets of dirt.

To overcome this, paint kikis and wall patching first. Next, clean the dirt that sticks to the surface and repaint.

How to clean the wall before it is painted is very easy. You only need to wipe it with a sponge wetted with soapy water. After that, the sack returns with a dry cloth. Let the wall surface completely dry up before applying the primary and paint to the patched area.

2. How to deal with bubbled wall paint due to humid surfaces

The cause of the next bubble wall paint is the damp surface of the wall.

Please note, the humidity caused by water droplets, leaks, or pipe problems can create bubbles filled with water on paint.

The solution to this problem is to first examine and overcome the source of humidity.

If so, apply the technique of eroding and patching the walls as well as cleaning the walls. Before applying the primary and paint, the reduced humidity is likely to affect the congestion.

Make sure the humidity level of the room is between 40-80 percent. After the primary and paint are applied, keep the surface of the wall from any moisture so that it is completely dry.

3. How to deal with bubbled wall paint due to exposure to hot temperatures

The next cause of the bubble wall paint is exposure to temperatures that are too hot. This exposure can come from room temperature or the use of a tool to dry paint.

The cause of the bubble wall paint can be overcome by eroding and patching techniques while cleaning the walls. Make sure the room temperature is between 10-29 degrees Celsius before applying a primary paint.

During the painting and drying process, use an indoor light source. If possible, close the window, door, and window that usually invites direct sunlight.

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