YOGYAKARTA - Not only is it a fairly popular cooking spice among mothers, but turmeric is also one of the herbal ingredients that is often used as herbal medicine because it is beneficial for our health. However, is it permissible to consume turmeric every day? Therefore, we will discuss it here!

Some of the benefits of turmeric for the body are believed to reduce pain, increase liver function, reduce cancer risk, protect the health of the digestive tract, and reduce various symptoms of inflammation. If you feel that you have consumed a lot of turmeric and feel the effects below, you can directly ask the doctor for further action.

However, behind the various healthy turmeric benefits, there are several turmeric side effects that you need to know if you are consumed too much.

Here are some of the dangers of turmeric consumption that are excessive:

I. Increase Lambung Acid Production

Not only inhibiting iron, but turmeric side effects can also stimulate an increase in gastric acid production. This situation can cause indications of relapse in mag and GERD.

II. Picu Pregnancy Contraction

If you are two again, be careful in consuming all types of herbs, including turmeric. Make sure these herbs do not create a risk of pregnancy.

Consumption of turmeric for two-body mothers without a doctor's supervision can be risky, because it can stimulate contraction so as to increase the risk of premature contraction.

III. Ruam Kulit

Sourced from research in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, one of the turmeric side effects that can occur is the redness rash on the skin.

Although rare, the turmeric side effects were reported after consuming more than 8,000 milligrams of curcumin.

IV. Headache

In the appropriate dose, curcumin in turmeric is said to be able to help relieve headaches. However, if the curcumin dose goes too far, aka too much, you can even experience headaches.

Even though it seems trivial, headaches can interfere with daily activities. Moreover, prolonged headaches can reduce the quality of life as a whole.

V. Nausea and Vomiting

Not much different from the previous point, curcumin in turmeric which is consumed in the right dose can help reduce nausea and vomiting.

In contrast, the bad thing about drinking turmeric water every day can make you nauseous and then vomit due to the amount of curcumin too much in your body.

Don't underestimate the side effects of drinking the turmeric water. If it occurs sustainably, nausea and vomiting can cause loss of body fluids. In severe or unresolved cases, dehydration can cause a decrease in consciousness to death.

VI. Diarrhea

Don't think about consuming turmeric in excess portions to overcome diarrhea. Instead of recovering, consuming too much turmeric can actually make complaints worse.

Diarrhea is also closely related to losing body fluids aka dehydration. If not quickly treated, one of the risks that may be faced is death.

VII. Allergy Reaction

For some people who are sensitive, exposure to turmeric or curcumin can cause allergic reactions. Moreover, this complaint can arise even if it is only exposed to a small amount.

The turmeric allergy can cause vomiting, tongue and lips that are numb or swollen, stomach cramps, and bloody defecation.

VIII. Kidney Stone

It is worse to drink turmeric water every day which can also occur, namely kidney stone disease. Not only curcumin, but turmeric also has oxalat. Consumption of excess oxalat can cause rock formation in the urinary tract. This situation is known as kidney stone.

Signs of kidney stones, such as basic back pain that does not go away, nausea, anxiety, side stomach pain, and urination pain.

IX. Hypoglycemia

The turmeric effect for health is reducing the content of blood sugar in the body. This happens because curcumin is in turmeric. For people with high blood sugar problems, this turmeric function can be useful.

However, if consumed is too much, the turmeric side effect is to increase the risk of hypoglycemia or blood sugar content below normal. This situation can stimulate various harmful indications.

X. Lack of Iron

The real danger of turmeric can disturb the process of absorbing iron by the body. Therefore, stay away from consuming too much turmeric because it can increase the risk of anemia due to the lack of iron in the blood.

Talking about turmerics you also need to know the right time to drink Kunyit water in order to avoid harmful side effects.

So after knowing whether it is permissible to consume turmeric every day, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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