JAKARTA - Pesinetron Sharena Delon said that she had taught her child about reproductive devices since childhood. But he tried to explain to his two children according to the age of his children.

"In fact, because the stigma out there is a bit taboo, I taught my children since childhood that this is not taboo. So I discussed it the same as I taught him anything, just like I educated and exposed my son to anything, because especially since his business is the same as the anatomy of the body, yes," said Sharena Delon in the Thamrin area, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, May 28.

The reason, according to Sharena, is that explaining the reproduction section for children is not taboo for parents to do.

Moreover, this could be a prevention of sexual harassment crimes.

"Just like private parts, people think it's a bit taboo to call it their real name, but it's not research-wise, so even my son, I teach you all vaginas, penises, anus," explained Sharena Delon.

"Everything according to their name and use, in addition to teaching hygienic matters, but it can also be presented about harassment and other things to protect them from sexual deviation. So it is very important to learn from age," he added.

It is undeniable that the two Sharena children aged 10 and 6 years asked many questions regarding this matter, as Sharena's mother tries to explain as openly as possible.

"Children must always have a lot of questions and I whatever they ask and as much as possible I answer and as much as possible," explained Sharena.

"So it's not smooth, of course still tells what they ask and according to their current understanding. So this hygienic matter from the smallest perhaps has been taught," he added.

For this 40-year-old woman, the moment of bathing children is one of the best moments to teach about the cleanliness and knowledge of reproductive equipment.

"When they were still toddlers while taking a shower, I would have explained what part this was, how to clean it up. So when they were taking a shower themselves they already knew the technicalities and I didn't want them to think that this was taboo to discuss because they didn't," he said.

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