JAKARTA - Getting healthy hair and bright skin is the dream of many people. Although topical solutions can provide temporary benefits, true beauty often comes from providing the right nutrition to the body. Therefore, it is very important to understand the science behind the importance of vitamins and minerals. Especially when it comes from a plant source, which can improve the health of hair and skin growth. Then, how? Check out the following information that VOI reports from the Times of India page, Wednesday, May 29.

There are a number of important nutrients that play an important role in keeping the skin bright and shining. The nutrition is;

Biotin: Lack of biotin can cause dry and scaly skin. To overcome this, consider inserting a plant-based biotin supplement derived from the Sesbania Agati extract, which is clinically proven to increase the production of healthy skin cells. This unique formula contains 0.5 percent standardized Biotin content, ensuring you receive the right dose in each portion.

Iron: Lack of iron can lead to pale and dull skin. Plantation of vegetable iron can increase iron absorption and production of red blood cells, resulting in healthier and more natural skin. Find supplements formulated with CZen Iron, standardized iron plant extract, which offers 1.5 times better release and absorption of iron than other sources.

Zinc: Zinc has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Vegetable zinc derived from the extract of guava leaves can help reduce the onset of acne and accelerate skin healing. By increasing collagen production, which provides elasticity and youthful appearance on the skin.

If the above nutrients function for skin health, this time the next discussion is hair loss. Hair loss is a problem that can cause stress, often caused by various factors. Scientific research shows that an important nutritional deficiency such as biotins, iron, and zinc can cause this problem. Fortunately, consuming plant-rich plant-based supplements of these elements can overcome the following root causes and increase healthy hair growth:

Biotin: Vitamin B plays an important role in lattin production, a protein that forms hair-producing materials. Clinical studies show that vegetable biotins originating from Sesbania Agati extracts, can contribute significantly to thicker and stronger hair in just a few months. This specific formula contains a high potential of 10,000 mcg of Biotin per serving.

Iron: Lack of iron can cause fatigue and have an impact on hair health. Plantation of vegetable iron with vitamins and minerals is important to increase the absorption of iron and production of red blood cells. This, in turn, increases the supply of oxygen to the scalp, increases hair growth and overall vitality.

Zinc: This important mineral supports a healthy immune system and plays an important role in cell division, which is very important for hair growth. Vegetable zinc derived from the extract of guava leaves helps strengthen hair follicles andtrition hair roots.

By combining a plant-based nutrition approach and including biotin-rich supplements, iron, and zinc, you can open the body's natural potential for healthy hair and bright skin. Remember, true beauty starts from within!

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