YOGYAKARTA - While approaching someone who is expected, sometimes a man or woman experiences love bombing. Have you ever been in a state of falling in love with someone, then that person pays attention and praise that makes you melt.

Love bombing is a situation where you get the attention of affection from someone you want, but the action is not pure of feeling. You could say, the expression is only manipulative or made up to please you alone.

The term love bombing has been quite popular on social media for the past few years. Not a few netizens feel disappointed and upset because they have experience as victims of love bombing. So how to deal with love bombing so they don't already regret it?

Love bombing is a toxic relationship behavior because it is manipulative. Love bombing actors deliberately build feelings that are lulled or flowering for their victims. Even though these intimate actions do not mean purely because of his love.

If left protracted, this love bombing situation will harm or interfere with the quality of your life. Here's how to deal with love bombing so you don't get caught up in fake love games.

Someone who loves bombing doesn't respect other people's private space. They can cross the line without feeling guilty. If you feel trapped, try to stay away and tell them not to repeat the behavior. Be firm and make a decision to leave them if this behavior continues.

Having a firm stance can also help you avoid love bombing. Try to make people who do this understand what they have done during the relationship.

You have to be firm in your stance to make them aware that their actions have harmed you. Remember well every action they have taken and try to make them understand the impact on you.

The first way to deal with love bombing is not to be a partner who depends too much. Having feelings for your partner is natural, but the love bombing actor will feel satisfied if you are so crazy about him, because it makes it easier to control you.

Think again whether he gave praise and sweet treatment consistently, or only at the beginning of the relationship. If you still want to continue the relationship even though you know he is a love bombing actor, make boundaries for yourself and don't give you complete love.

Relationships with love bombings or toxic relationships do not generally last long. Although his sweet attitude can be fun, things like controlling yourself and making you feel guilty are not a good thing for you.

You need to be independent and be able to overcome everything without the person's presence. Love bombing actors usually like to give something to you which makes you even more helpless. Try to be independent so that you don't depend on others.

The important key to avoid love bombing is to know how to be happy on your own. Indeed, not everyone understands the experience of being a victim in toxic relationships and dealing with love bombing actors.

Victims often experience significant mental trauma, especially if the relationship lasts for years. In addition to being firm on yourself, making yourself effective can help release the trauma slowly.

You can focus on your big dreams without him. For example pursuing a career, spending time traveling, doing activities that become a hobby. By making yourself happy, you are not easily trapped in love bombing and can overcome the trauma caused by these actions.

There's nothing wrong if you want to try to disappear from that person for a while. Decide to make contact with someone who has a negative impact can be a way to recover. This process does need to be done gradually. Therefore, avoid contacting or interacting again with that person.

Those are some tips for overcoming love bombing so as not to get caught up in fake businesses. You need to have firm and independent principles in terms of feelings, so that it is not easy to get carried away in love bombing actions. Also read also recognize the signs of micro cheating on your partner.

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