YOGYAKARTA President-elect Prabowo Subianto corrected the name of his flagship program, free lunch, before he was sworn in. Now the program has changed its name to a free nutritious meal. So, what are you called nutritious food?

Previously, the Expert Council of the National Campaign Team (TKN), Budiman Sudjatmiko, conveyed the reasons for changing the name of the program.

He said that the name change was carried out because the program was unlimited. Thus, nutritious food should not be given during the day.

"Eating for free nutrition does not mean that the initial plan for free lunch is not nutritious, only the time for eating is not limited. So there are two possibilities, you can replace breakfast for breakfast," Budiman told reporters on Friday, May 24, 2024 evening, quoted by VOI.

He added that most students eat free, most of which are elementary school levels.

Budiman assessed that the average learning activity at SD was completed at 11.00-12.00. So, it was assumed that the students did not have time, so the afternoon was free at school.

"We will investigate, specifically for elementary school children, maybe in the form of breakfast. Stay fresh," said Budiman.

What Are Called Nutritious Foods?

Quoted from the module of Parents' Involvement in Providing Healthy Foods for School Children published by the PAUD Development Center and the Yogyakarta Special Region Dimkmas, what is called nutritious food is food that contains enough carbohydrates, protein, fat, and vitamins for the body.

The following is an explanation from each of these categories.

1. Carbohydrate

Carbohirate is a macronutrient that provides energy for the body. The form of carbohydrates used as energy is glucose which will be stored in the form of glycogen in the liver and muscles if not used.

As for examples of foods that contain carbihydrates, including rice, potato corn, fruit and vegetables, milk, honey, and so on.

2. Protein

Protein is a nutrient that must be found in nutritious food. Foods that contain protein are useful for growth, development, and replacing damaged body cells.

In the body, the main role of protein is as a builder substance, not an energy source. However, if there is no energy source, then the protein will be used as an energy source.

In a day, the body needs protein intake of around 10-35 percent of daily calories. Proteins can be found in various foods, such as milk, eggs, chicken meat, beef, goat meat, fish, shrimp, cucumbers, jeroan, nuts, and whole grains.

Fish and nuts contain fatless protein, so they can become the ideal source of nutrition for children.

3. Fat

Fat is the main ingredient in food and also as the main source of energy. Some food ingredients that contain fat are coconuts, peanuts, egg kuing, cheese, and meat.

In the body, fat can help dissolve vitamins A, D, E and K, the formation of prostaglandin and cytocin, differentiation and cell growth, as a membrane structure of cells and myelination, hormone formation, and bile acid.

In addition, fat also functions as a source of energy and food reserves. For fat, 20-35 percent of calories must come from fat.

4. Vitamins and minerals

Vitamins are additional nutrients needed for the body to support the body's performance.

While minerals are body regulatory substances. Minerals are needed by the body in small amounts, but must still be met.

In the human body, minerals form about 4 percent of the weight. if the body lacks minerals, health will be disturbed.

Minerals consist of various other substances that compose them, such as iron, calcium, and iodine.

Some of the foods that contain minerals are avocados, nuts and seeds, sardines, eggs, and jeroans.

That's information about what is called nutritious food. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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