YOGYAKARTA - Cancer can attack indiscriminately, both in women and men. There are types of cancer that affect men the most. These serious health problems can be caused by various factors.

Cancer is a condition when abnormal cell growth occurs which is uncontrollable and malignant in the body's organs. If it is not immediately puzzled, cancer can cause a number of other health problems that lead to death.

Not a few men suffer from noble cancer from early stages to severe levels. So what are the types of cancer that attack men and their symptoms the most?

There are several types of cancer with different symptoms and conditions felt by the reporters. Here are some types of cancer that attack the most men:

Prostate cancer is a type of cancer that develops in the prostate, a gland that is an important part of the male reproductive system. Therefore, only men can develop this prostate cancer.

Usually, prostate cancer occurs more frequently in elderly men. Common symptoms of this cancer can be felt from pain in the back, weak urine flow when urinating, erectile dysfunction, and bleeding with semen during ejaculation.

Skin cancer is more common in men than in women. In the elderly, men have a three times greater risk of suffering from this cancer. Skin cancer has various types by melanoma as the most dangerous form.

Signs of melanoma or other types of skin cancer can be in the form of moles, wounds, bumps, or skin growth. The fly tends to grow bigger with a wider diameter.

As the name implies, pancreatic cancer is cancer that attacks the pancreas. Pancreas is located behind the stomach at the top of the stomach. This body organ functions to produce digestive enzymes and insulin hormones.

In the early stages, pancreatic cancer often did not cause any symptoms until the disease became more serious. Therefore, pancreatic cancer is often referred to as a "silent killer".

Testeric cancer is most commonly diagnosed in men aged between 15 and 45, with an average age of about 33 years. However, this cancer can actually occur at all ages. Symptoms of tester cancer include pain in the lower back, bumps appear in the test, severe feelings in the scrotum, and changes in the test size.

Colorectal cancer includes all types of cancer that occur in the large intestines and rectums. Symptoms of this cancer include changes in the habit of bowel movements, unresolved defecation, and blood pressure. In addition, this cancer also causes a feeling of weakness and weakness, pain or stomach cramps for a long time, as well as other conditions.

Lung cancer is one of the deadly cancers that is often suffered by men. The main cause of lung cancer is smoking habits. But there are also other factors such as exposure to radon gas. Symptoms that arise if a person suffers from cancer can be in the form of persistent coughs, blood coughs, hoarse sounds, and shortness of breath.

Heart cancer and bile ducts are types of cancer commonly adapted by men. This cancer can develop in the liver and bile duct itself or spread from other parts of the body. Common symptoms include yellow disease, loss of appetite, and pain in the stomach.

C urinary cancer is another type of cancer that is often diagnosed in men, with transient cell carcinoma as the most common type. Smoking is believed to be the cause of nearly 50 percent of bladder cancer cases in men. Symptoms include frequent urinating, especially at night, urine incontinence, pain or burning during urination, and the presence of blood in urine.

Esophagus cancer or concavity is divided into two main types, namely adenocarsinoma and carcinoma of squamosa cells. Both have differences based on the cell type where the cancer begins. Symptoms of cancer can be in the form of persistent cough conditions, hoarse sounds, difficulty in swallowing, and feelings such as something stuck in the throat.

Those are some types of cancer that attack men the most. To prevent various diseases above from happening to yourself, start by changing your lifestyle to be healthier. Also read blood tests can detect cancer.

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