JAKARTA - Celebrity Epy Kusnandar was caught eating with his family even though he should have been undergoing a rehabilitation period after previously being arrested for drug abuse.

This was caught by uploading a video on his wife's personal Instagram account, Because Ranau saw Epy eating with his family at the dining table in purple clothes.

But it is not yet known about the video being taken and when traced back, the video has disappeared from Karina's Instagram.

Previously, the West Jakarta police had named Epy Kusnandar along with suspect YG who is also an artist as a suspect in a drug abuse case.

"We have named the two people as suspects, both YG and EK," said West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Syahduddi at the West Jakarta Metro Police, Friday, May 17.

Furthermore, Syahduddi explained that this case Epy was subject to Article 127 paragraph 1 letter a of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with a recommendation for the rehabilitation process or a maximum imprisonment of 4 years.

In addition, he also said that Epy would undergo a rehabilitation process at the Jakarta Drug Addiction Hospital (RSKO).

"The results of the medical examination from the doctor showed that the person concerned was in a depressed condition with an indicator of blood pressure 230/91, due to this condition the investigator coordinated with the RSKO to take the person concerned to the hospital," said Syahduddi.

Until now, the VOI team is still trying to contact Karina Ranau regarding this issue but there has been no official response.

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