JAKARTA - Tengku Dewi and Andrew Andika's domestic relationship is now on the brink. After Andrew Andika was suspected of having an affair, Tengku finally decided to divorce even though he was 7 months pregnant.

This was conveyed directly by Tengku Dewi's attorney, Minola Sebayang, who said that Tengku Dewi's divorce suit would be registered next week.

"Today we have started the process, yes, we hope that in the near future, we will register Mother Dewi's divorce lawsuit against her husband," said Minola Sebayang in the Kuningan area, Friday, May 24.

Furthermore, Minola tried to explain about this gono property which might be discussed at the time of Tengku Dewi and Andrew Andika's divorce trial.

Broadly speaking, Tengku Dewi has conveyed to her attorney that she and Andrew have a pre-wedding agreement which contains that they have separated their assets.

"When it comes to Gono's property, yesterday the middle of the goddess said that if they entered the marriage they had been disclosed through a pre-wedding agreement," explained Minola Sebayang.

"So if there is an agreement, it will make it easier for things related to Gono's assets because their respective assets are clear," he explained.

Then regarding child custody, Minola hopes that later child custody will fall to Tengku Dewi considering the age of Tengku Dewi and Andrew Andika's children is still minors.

"Well, of course, if the divorce results in children, the children are still minors, of course we will ask that these children are also babies who already exist or are still in the womb, they are still in the custody area of their mother," he said.

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