YOGYAKARTA Gossip is sharing information about other people who are not present. This person's talking activity, quite common, is carried out by anyone, unlimited gender or age, old or young, on average, once. Professor at the psychology department of Barnard College at Columbia University, Tara Well, Ph.D., explains that gossip serves as a way of sharing information, social bonds, social regulations, and entertainment.

When gossip is done to share infprmation about other people, it can help someone get information about what is happening in their social circle. Rumors can be a medium for sharing news, the latest news, or personal experiences that are interesting to others. With fire, social circles can also create a sense of sharing sensitive information so as to build trust between individuals because it signifies openness and transparency.

Gossip as a social regulation, helps strengthen or challenge public standards. For example, when gossiping someone for the purpose of upholding social norms and expectations. With car aini, gossip can be a form of social control that prevents behavior from deviating from applicable norms. In addition to having the three functions mentioned earlier, gossip also often contains elements of entertainment because it is fun for some people.

Although gossipers are often considered unethical, less educated, and generally women, according to research in 2019 reported by Psychology Today, Thursday, May 23, there is no significant difference in the characteristics of people who are more frequent. That is, on average everyone has ever cared for, regardless of the level of education and is carried out by men and women. This research found people who often hang out tend to be more extroverted.

More specifically, this study found that younger people tend to hate negatives compared to older people. Neutral gossip about social information is more common than negative or positive gossip. In fact, 74.3% of the entire gossip sample in this study is neutral, meaning it is neither positive nor negative evaluative in nature. Findings from naturalistic observations show that gossip is important in sharing information and is not always meant to harm or bring down others.

Research also explains that gossip can have a positive impact. The reason is, with fun, you can judge the trust of others because people will be selective in sharing accurate information. Using simplified mathematical models, the international research team explored when gossip tends to be honest and not and how the gossip scenario impacts everyone involved. The researchers simulated into a triangle, gossip participants, and third persons discussed without attendance.

The above research model explores four different social interactions using the game. Researchers in the research scheme spread honest or false statements to read the advantages of participants without compromising reputation. In general, they find honest gossipers when sharing goals with two other parties, gossip recipients and rumored persons. Goals related to success, or failure. For example, the three parties work in one team, but when the goal is not appropriate, such as competing for promotion, they tend to spread false gossip.

Someone involved in gossip may experience stress and anxiety, especially they feel guilty or afraid to be caught spreading false information. A study conducted in 2013, found that engaging in negative gossip in the laboratory reduces the self-esteem of people who care about it. Previous research found that negative gossipers were often disliked by others.

Well, because of the explanation above, it is important to understand how to provide and dig and get useful information. Do not get caught up in negative gossip, either hearing or spreading, because it will be a loss. Because gossip is an important means to share information, socialize, bond, and understand social norms, keep information accurate and positive so that it is beneficial for your circle of friendship.

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