JAKARTA - Just because your teenage child is 18 years old doesn't mean they're ready to get out of the house and live alone. Unless you've taught them the life skills needed to face the real world, there's a chance they'll find it difficult to be independent.

Many teenagers fail to live their own lives because of their lack of life skills. They struggle to survive without the financial, physical, and emotional support of their parents.

The following are the basic life skills needed by teenagers to successfully live independently from their parents, reported by Very Well Family, Monday, May 20.

Don't assume that just because teenagers have successfully graduated from school, they will be able to maintain their jobs. The world of work regulations are very different from the regulations in high school. Teenagers need to know how to complete job applications, attend interviews, and follow supervisor instructions.

Half-time work during high school or summer work can help prepare your child in charge of his future career. In addition, assigning household tasks and routine tasks at home can prepare teenagers for the work environment.

Stepping on teenagers, parents need to facilitate their children to get a driver's license and vehicle driving skills. That way, they are also good at reading maps and using GPS.

Even so, of course not all teenagers can be given the opportunity to drive and have a driver's license. In this case, parents should teach their children how to use public transportation. This provision is also useful later when the child migrates.

Skills setting goals is also important to learn. Talk to your child how to take action to achieve that goal. Teenagers who understand its progress in achieving what they want will most likely continue to be motivated.

Train your skills frequently to set goals. Help children identify one thing they want to achieve, then try to realize it together. With every new goal achieved, they will gain confidence in their ability to achieve even higher goals in the future.

All academic skills or athletic talent will not provide any benefits if the child does not learn the ability to regulate emotions. Skills in managing emotions are needed by children. Because, if they cannot control their emotions, children will not be able to face failures. Or it is difficult to manage anxiety and continue to be confined in a comfort zone.

Teach the ability to deal with uncomfortable emotions in a healthy way, and self-exemplify these techniques. Over time, they will gain confidence with their ability to do difficult things.

When teenagers have to face a state of emergency, there won't be time for them to think. Therefore, it is very important for parents to take time to teach teenagers how to deal with emergencies effectively at home. Fires, serious injuries, or natural disasters are just a few of the emergencies your teenage children may face at some point.

Even though you are tempted to let your child be free from responsibility for doing homework. Still, it is very important for them to know how to manage household chores. Whether living in a dormitory, renting an apartment or boarding house, they need to know some basic skills.

Teach children basic skills to prepare food. Make sure they know the basic way to repair goods and when to contact professional assistance. In addition, do not let children migrate until they know how to wash and clean the bathroom properly.

One of the most important skills you have ever taught teenagers is how to manage money. Unfortunately, many teenagers leave the house without knowing how to make a budget or balance income and expenses.

Teach children basic skills in managing money. Make sure they know the dangers of credit card debt, the risk of borrowing money, and the importance of investing their money. Teaching these skills from an early age can make a huge difference in the quality of life of children as a whole and help them build financial security for their future.

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