YOGYAKARTA The reasons a person lacks confidence are very diverse, ranging from lack of experience to negative suggestions for oneself.

Adapting the AI-Care page, confidence is an attitude in which a person trusts his abilities and skills.

Confidence is very important to have in order to overcome challenges, problems, achieve goals and interact well with others.

So, what makes a person less confident? Check out the various reasons in the following review.

Summarized from various sources, Sunday, May 19, 2024, the following are some of the reasons why a person is not confident.

1. Lack or lack of experience

When you want to talk in front of many people or do something new, of course everyone will prepare themselves as well as possible. Well, lack of experience can lead to feelings of insecure in individuals. If that's the case, a person will lose confidence.

2. Have trauma

An individual who has trauma can also lose confidence. Things like physical, sexual, and emotional harassment, can significantly affect a person's feelings about their self-esteem.

Not only that, unpleasant events in the past have also had an impact on a person's mental health.

If you feel disturbed or ashamed of incidents of abuse in the past, consider seeking help from licensed doctors.

3. Influenced by the opinions of others

Confidence can also be lost when someone gets criticism from other people. If that happens, don't rush to believe it. Because, what they say is not necessarily a fact, it could be just a personal opinion.

4. There are feelings of worry or fear

Feelings of worry or fear are often the cause of someone who is not confident. Fear of failing, being rejected, worrying that they will not get what they dream of, creating negative thoughts that do not necessarily happen. As a result, a person feels humble and embarrassed to start.

5. Have excessive expectations

Sometimes a person has excessive expectations of himself. For example, expecting yourself to be the perfect figure.

Small mistakes often make a person disappointed with the results of his work. Excessive expectations of something actually form an insecure character in a person.

6. Experiencing bullying

A person who experiences bullying in childhood often has low self-confidence.

Bullying can have an impact on a person's confidence in terms of appearance, intellectual abilities, and athletics, and other fields in a person's life.

7. Negative suggestion

The last reason a person lacks confidence is having negative thoughts. When facing a problem, sometimes a person will think that he can't afford it. Those thoughts can make you unable to achieve something.

The reason is not because of limited abilities or skills, but the watermelon that collapsed due to negative thoughts.

That's information about the reasons a person lacks confidence. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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