YOGYAKARTA Filsuf from Ancient Greece more than 2,000 years ago, called philosopher stoa, gives advice to be a noble person. Virtue, according to them, is the perfection of reason and rationality. By developing virtues, we can not only align but in harmony in life and nature. Launching the explanation of Cultural Psychology lecturer Marianna Pogosyan, Ph.D., here is Stoikosm's advice to live a better life.

Not just remembering the date of birth and a complete identity, but more than that. By recognizing yourself, you can cultivate strength and overcome weaknesses for the good of yourself and others.

Filsuf Stoa, Seneca, concludes that overcoming anger is completely getting rid of your life. Anger causes hatred and conflict with others. Anger and fear also makes you unable to align with yourself. To overcome fear, it is important to start learning responsibility with words and actions, good value, and be good.

It is important to dedicate life to improve oneself. For the Stoa, improving things mean cultivating the values of wisdom, virtue, justice, courage, simplicity, generosity, and affection for others. For the Stoa, virtue is needed for happiness.

The wrong act is caused by ignorance, not out of confusion. So mercy needs to be shown even to people who are selfish, stupid, and slanderous. Thinking that others act based on their wrong beliefs because they know nothing makes it easier for us to understand and respond constructively to other people's bad behavior.

According to Stoik ethics, living a good life requires admitting that you are not an isolated atom and cut off from others. Launching Psychology Today, Friday, May 17, you are a member of various levels of society. So together contributing to the common good will build strength and make life more meaningful.

Basically, wisdom is to know what is good and bad, what is not good and not bad. The only thing that is really good, is virtue, even though it is applied in different ways.

Happiness is a psychological situation that is often misunderstood. The reason is, many people associate happiness with external factors, such as wealth, fame, success. All of these things are not eternal. For the Stores, true happiness cannot be lost which is fostered by being a good person until you respect yourself. This is a type of welfare that goes beyond conditional happiness that involves factors beyond control.

For the Stoa, what needs to be feared is not death, illness, poverty, and suffering. On the other hand, what must be avoided in any way is crime, death, injustice, and violence.

If you ignore yourself, such as ignoring talent and making you don't contribute to the greater good, it's difficult to achieve a more meaningful life. Self-care, it's not selfish. But loving yourself means considering the real needs of yourself.

That's Stoicism's advice for a better life. According to professor emeritus philosophy at Creighton University, humans can live in harmony at various levels. At the widest level, it means behavior that is not against the world. Subsequent levels, meeting physiological needs, being rational, and prosocial. Furthermore, considering strength, talent, weakness, body condition, and circumstances.

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