West Jakarta Metro Police finally declared celebrity Epy Kusnandar alias EK a suspect in a drug abuse case.

This was conveyed in a press conference by the West Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Pol M Syahduddi and other suspects, namely YG.

"The suspect consumes marijuana-type narcotics. Suspect; YG, 39-year-old male and EK, 60-year-old male," said M Syahduddi at the West Jakarta Metro Police, Friday, May 17.

Furthermore, Syahduddi also explained the punishment that Epy Kusnandar would give regarding this case.

Epy was charged with Article 127 paragraph 1 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.

"And for Tersagka EK, the alleged article is Article 127 paragraph (1) letter (a) of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics on Abuse for Narcotics," added Syahduddi.

In this law, Epy is threatened with imprisonment for 4 years and is required to undergo rehabilitation.

"Group I for himself must be rehabilitated or sentenced to a maximum imprisonment of 4 years," he explained.

In this case, the police found several pieces of evidence in the form of marijuana of 12.34 grams, dried marijuana leaves weighing 4.18 grams and cannabis seeds weighing 8.16 grams.

"Ganja-type narcotics with a total weight of 12.34 grams with details of dried marijuana leaf-type Narcotics weighing Brutto 4.18 grams and Cannabis ore Narcotics weighing Brutto 8.16 grams," he said.

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