JAKARTA - Cinta celebrity Laura Kiehl revealed that she made Hollywood artist Anya Taylor-Joy an inspiration for her. This was expressed by Cinta while attending the Paris L'oreal press conference.

Not without reason, Cinta claimed to like the figure of Anya because she felt there was a similarity between the background of Anya's life and her own.

"I'm very excited for this year because there are so many other than actresses who are present, as well as the new generation, I happen to really like Anya Taylor-Joy, not only from her acting but from her background who can very well say I relate very much to her," said Cinta Laura at Plaza Senayan, South Jakarta, Saturday, May 11.

"He's Argentine's parents but he lived in the US, UK, but from that background he was very interested. He can also have various languages," he continued.

One of Anya's actings that inspired this 30-year-old woman in the film Split and series The Queen's Gambit, according to her, is very complex in the film even though she is still relatively young.

"But from his acting, first I really liked seeing him in the Split film, he was still a teenager but his acting was amazing complex but when I watched him in The Queen's Gambit series, it made me really inspired," said Cinta.

"Because from me a teenager I always say that if given the opportunity I want to be able to play a flexible character in the sense that makes the audience think what really his intentions are, what personality he is, what he really thinks, a character who has internal complexes that makes him in front of the public eye and in the world himself is very different," he added.

In addition, Cinta, which likes the thriller psychological film genre, is also in accordance with film projects that are always played by Anya Taylor-Joy. No wonder Cinta wants to have the opportunity to chat directly with Anya's figure.

"I think Anya Taylor-Joy, she always plays in the film genre of trailer psychology, which happens to be my favorite genre. And if I can meet Anya Taylor-Joy I will definitely be very happy because she's very talented and want to be able to talk to her," he concluded.

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