YOGYAKARTA - Did you have time to calculate how long or how many hours do you spend in one day to sit? And do you understand that you are related to health problems due to sitting too long? Let's follow the full information below.

Yes, sitting for so long is an unfavorable practice. For example, when you work in front of a computer, drive a private vehicle, spend hours in traffic jams in public transportation, spend free time sitting long in front of a tv, and other similar activities.

If calculated, the time we provide in one day for movement activities can be very minimal. Routines every day always run as usual without thinking about health problems that are lurking.

The effect of sitting for too long has an effect on personal health, especially if you don't practice a healthy diet and lack of exercise. What kind of health problems can attack someone as a result of sitting so often? Here's the review.

Why can't we sit for so long? As explained at the beginning, the sitting frequency that goes too far can disturb the health of the body. For example, weakness of muscles, neck and spinal disorders, disturbances to the legs, to decrease brain ability.

I. Foot Disorder

Foot disorders can also occur due to sitting for so long. Where these positions hinder blood circulation in the legs. This situation causes blood to gather around the ankle, which can have an impact on the varises, ankle swelling, and even harmful blood clots.

II. Decreased Brain Ability

The brain obtains very little blood and oxygen as you sit, especially for a long time. This situation can have an impact on decreasing brain ability. When the brain does not get the two intakes above, it's useless to slow down so that it will be difficult for you to focus and feel tired quickly.

III. Weakening Muscle

Weaknesses are also health problems that can come due to sitting for so long. Activities such as standing, walking, and moving limbs can tighten muscles, especially the stomach muscles.

In contrast, during sitting, muscles are not used so they can weaken. The mobility of the waist muscles can also decrease because it is rigid due to sitting for too long and limited movement. Therefore, you must pay attention to the intensity of your seats again.

IV. Neck and spine disorders

Next, sitting for a long time can also cause neck and spinal disorders. This happens because sitting too long increases the pressure on the spine and the disk that makes up the spine. Not only that, the sitting position that is not right can also worsen this situation.

V. Increase Obesity Risk

As a result of sitting for so long cannot be underestimated. Sitting for hours with a slight movement can stimulate a person to continue to eat until he is not aware that weight has increased a lot. This situation can increase the risk of obesity in children or adults, especially if it does not compensate by exercising regularly.

If you are one of those people who sit a lot, especially in work, there are some methods that can be tried to reduce health problems that may occur due to sitting very long.

Start agreeing to carry out light physical movements or activities between your work, for example, every few hours you go from the seat to the bathroom or to the panel to fill the drinking bottle, and walk around the office while interacting with colleagues.

Not only that, you can also increase the seriousness of your movements by sorting out the use of stairs rather than the elevator so that the body is active in movement, and carrying out stretching every 2-3 hours for 5-10 minutes.

In order to further believe in the dangers, read also: 5 Reasons for sitting Too Bad for Health.

So after knowing about health problems due to sitting for too long, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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