JAKARTA - YouTuber Ria Ricis officially divorced from her husband, Teuku Ryan. A few days after the trial verdict, social media was enlivened with court documents revealing the facts of Ria Ricis and Teuku Ryan's divorce.

There are several points in the document that reveal the reasons for the cessation of the celebrity couple. One of the most crucial reasons is the lack of communication in their marriage.

The site YourTango.com asks 100 mental health experts to identify common factors that cause divorce. Of those surveyed, 65 percent said that communication problems were at the top. Another related factor, the inability to cooperate in resolving conflicts, stated by 43 percent of respondents surveyed, was in second place on the list.

Indeed, poor communication is a problem faced by many couples. But couples can actively try to fix it in various ways, including actively listening, being open and honest, and creating common goals.

Although finding solutions to communication problems in marriage or relationships can be a challenge, there are several things that can be done in an effort to overcome these problems.

And if you are looking for related advice on maintaining communication with your partner in a marriage, here are the steps that can be taken:

As much as possible, set aside a few minutes a day to talk face-to-face with your partner. This is the right moment to reconnect with your partner and improve communication in a broken marriage. Even before bed at night, make sure you and your partner talk to each other about anything. And see how this helps make you guys talk again.

Spending time together can make you and your partner remember each other's reasons for loving each other. Even if you only have once a month, do it. Because, this activity can be a savior of marriage and keep your communication alive. A moment away from children and responsibilities, can make you and your partner stronger and reconnected.

Conversations are not always about talking about your own feelings and perspectives. You also need to learn to actively listen to your partner. According to Psychology Today, 'Hearing actively is about making decisions consciously to listen to what people say. It's about completely focusing on other people's words and messages 'without being disturbed. It means listening to understand, not respond. If you're just waiting to hear where you can interrupt, you're not listening to what they're saying.

Avoid using sentences like, 'I don't like it if you forget to give news,' or 'You're late, how come such habits don't go away too.'

Try using other words that are more positive and constructive, for example, 'I'll be calmer and grateful if you notify me,' and If you arrive on time, we don't need to rush and get stuck in traffic.

"I'm sure you can slowly change that habit."

Actually, the point is that the words are similar, it's just that the way it is delivered is different.

In addition to paying attention to what to say, pay attention to the right timing as well. The right timing plays an important role in facilitating communication with a healthier partner in a relationship. Because conversations that are not in accordance with the timing and inappropriate tones can bring disaster to a household relationship.

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