YOGYAKARTA - The South Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Unit arrested Celebrity Chandrika Chika and 5 other people related to drug abuse. So what kind of drugs did Chandrika Chika use?

AKP Rezka Anugras emphasized that in the arrest, evidence was secured which shows that they are suspected of using drugs.

"Evidence that was secured was a vape pods or e-cigarette containing marijuana. The liquid pods contained marijuana," said AKP Rezka Anugras.

Meanwhile, AKP Rezka Anugras stated that the urine test results did not show that they were all positive for marijuana-type drugs. One of the positives for marijuana comes from the urine test, namely Chandrika Chika.

"4 positive people for marijuana and 2 metaphetamine people. The ones for marijuana are AT, MJ, CK (Chandrika Chika), AMO. As well as methamphetamine are HJ (Herli Juliansyah), BB," he explained.

Reporting from BNN, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is psychotropic which is the main compound of marijuana. This has mostly psychological impacts, which give rise to euphoria and hallucinations which also result in damage to the way the human center's nerve works can cause mental disorders.

The cannabis plant itself consists of 3 types, namely Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, and Cannabis Ruderalis. Cannabis sativa is a type of marijuana that is very often misused. Generally, the method of using it is used as a cigarette to be smoked.

In Indonesia itself, the use of this plant is still illegal considering the negative consequences. However, various countries have legalized marijuana for health purposes.

The Side Effect Of Marijuana For The Human Body

There are various negative consequences of the use of marijuana that you should be aware of, including:

Damage To The Lungs

So far, tobacco in cigarettes is said to be the main aspect of lung damage. This effect comes from the tar content, namely chemical particles that arise during the cigarette burning process.

In fact, the content of tar in marijuana is almost 3 times larger than tobacco cigarettes. The smoke from burning marijuana also contains cancer-triggering substances much higher than ordinary cigarette smoke.

As a result, the risk of lung cancer can be even higher in people who use marijuana for a long time. Lung problems due to marijuana use include obstructed airways, lung hyperinflation, chronic bronchitis, respiratory infections and pneumonia.

Causing Mental Health Disorders

Excessive use of marijuana can also disturb mental health. This is because this plant has indeed proven to stimulate symptoms of psychosis, a kind of hallucinations, illusions and euphoria. Gradually, these indications can develop intosets.

Not only that, the wearer also tends to be anxious and easily experiences panic attacks. In the long term, this impact can make it difficult for a person to sleep, experience mood swings and decrease appetite.

In very severe problems, the wearer can experience bipolar disorder and behavior that leads to suicide.

Causing Respiratory Disorders

Quoting from the National Institute on Drug Abuse with the journal Cannabis (Marijuana) Drug Fact, marijuana use can cause respiration disturbances. Because marijuana smoke can cause irritation on the lung walls.

This is due to the content of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabinoids in marijuana, both of which create the same substance as in tobacco. So the result of what happens to marijuana users is almost similar to people who have a smoking habit.

This situation will also be directly related to lung health problems, a kind of cough and the emergence of phlegms every day. Marijuana use can also increase the risk of higher lung infection.

Annoying brain function

According to research in the American Heart Association Journal, entitled Use of Marijuana: Effect on Brain Health: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association, regular marijuana use is directly related to cognitive disturbances, work memory, and impulsive behavior that can interfere with daily activities.

There was a meta-analysis in 2016, which suggests that the possibility of a motorcycle accident will increase by 3% on marijuana users, rather than groups that do not use marijuana.

According to studies, brain structures that can undergo changes due to psychotropic substances, namely hippocampus, prefrontal cortex (PFC), and cerebelum. As a result, it includes a decrease in cognitive function, a deficit in verbal learning, a decrease in memory (memory).

Should find out the meaning of drugs and their impact so as not to fall into the use of these dangerous substances through: Control of Drugs and As a Result for Health.

Lowering Men's Fertility Level

Marijuana use can also reduce a man's fertility. A study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, titled Association Between Use of Marijuana and Male Reproductive Hormones and Semen Quality: A Study Among 1,215 Healthy Young Men, examined 1,215 young men aged 18-28 years.

As a result, men who use marijuana regularly and regularly experience a decrease in sperm quality by 28 percent. Not only that, the number of sperm also experienced a shrinkage of 29 percent.

Other effects

In addition, it appears that Celebgram Chandrika Chika has also been involved in the Beating Case at the South Jakarta Police with Putra Siregar.

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