JAKARTA - Rey Mbayang celebrity recounted a tense moment when he and his wife, Dinda Hauw, experienced a tense incident while on vacation with friends in Raja Ampat, West Papua recently.

Rey said that the oxygen she uses to dive turned out to be running out. This almost makes it difficult for Rey to breathe which can be fatal for her.

"Yesterday, I ran out of oxygen when I was diving below, at a depth of how many meters, and it was wrong for me not to check the scale first, suddenly it ran out below, I had a bit of a seizure when I went up because I had a lot of water, but thank God I was saved by Allah," said Rey Mbayang in the Pondok Aren area, South Tangerang, Saturday, April 20.

Being one of the most stressful events, Rey tried to learn from the incident and made it a lesson for the future.

"No (traumatic), it actually made us do everything that had to be prepared," added Rey Mbayang.

Even for this incident, the father of two children even plans to take a diving license. This was welcomed by Dinda Hauw who also wanted to upgrade her diving ability.

"In fact, yesterday's wife was allowed to take a license diving, she wants to upgrade and I also want to take the license," he concluded.

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