YOGYAKARTA - Cinematic video creation techniques must be mastered by a videographer and content creator. Cinematic videos are widely liked because they display aesthetic recordings, in terms of transition, moving, to POV or point of view.

Currently, more and more people are interested in making cinematic videos to upload on social media. Cinematic videos will usually get a lot of likes and invite high interest. Anyone can produce a cinematic video either using a DLSR or smartphone camera.

Cinematic video creation requires its own technique and cannot be done carelessly. To record a cinematic video, you must pay attention to camera movement and the accuracy of taking video objects.

You don't need expensive devices to make cinematic videos. It's enough with a camera phone you can record videos with beautiful or aesthetic results. So what are the cinematic video capture techniques using any devices?

Learning the cinematic video-taking technique is as important on social media as it is today. For those who want to master good video creation, they can learn basic techniques for recording cinematic videos.

The following is a cinematic video signing technique through a cellphone that you can learn to create aesthetic content:

Tilt's shooting technique is done by moving the camera from top to bottom or vice versa. When recording, the camera must be in a stationary position or focused on one particular point. Video takers must be able to maintain the stability of the camera and movement or movement.

You can use tools such as tripods or assistive devices to ensure good and stable image or video quality. In this technique, the shift or movement that changes is the camera's angle, not its position. This shooting technique is very supportive for those who want to display the details of the main object in the video cinematic.

Another technique that can be done in making cinematic Panning videos. Pan's shooting technique is similar to Tilt, but the camera moves differently. In this technique, the camera is moved horizontally from one side to the other. You can record objects with camera movements from right to left, and vice versa.

Just like Tilt's shooting technique, Pan is also carried out on one axis or a stationary spot. The movement is carried out left-right, but the camera remains stable or does not change position. Pan's technique is usually used to show conditions or atmospheres around the video object.

Another recording technique that can be applied to produce video cinematic is Zoom. This technique is easy to do because every camera and phone device is supported by a zoom feature.

zooming video footage is taken by increasing certain focal points that fall into the image frame. So shooting does not need to move the camera closer or away from the main recorded object.

Unlike zooming in, which enlarges the image using internal features, Dolly's technique requires movement. Taking pictures is done by moving the camera towards the main object. This technique can produce aesthetic videos that provide an experience as if the audience is closer to the object.

Another cinematic video creation technique is Truck. This video-taking method can be considered a combination of Pan and Dolly. In this technique, you are asked to move the entire camera to the left or right, or vice versa.

In the world of film, this technique is often used to follow the movement of the main character. Usually the film crew uses a special track or referred to as a "fluid motion track" and places the camera on it to ensure the image remains stable when following the action of the main character.

The last cinematic video creation technique is Rack Focus. This shooting method may be rarely used by novice videographers because it is quite difficult to control.

This way of shooting is done by adjusting the focus of the camera lens to provide an opaque or non-focused effect on the main object. Then slowly the lens changes it to a sharper, more focused, and detailed one. Rack Focus can also be applied from a focus position to a blurry one to distract the audience from one object to another.

Those are some cinematic video-taking techniques that novice videographers or content creators need to understand. Apply a number of techniques above when you want to record professional videos or as interesting content on social media. Also read tips for shooting low light and methods.

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