YOGYAKARTA Is the suspension a hot topic especially after pop singer Taylor Swift was seen wearing the fashion item. He was seen wearing a suspension while attending a music and art festival in California. Of course, the suspension immediately became more popular and became a fashion idea for his fans. Then what exactly is the suspension?

Quoted from Klix, the scorer is shorts that have a cover cloth both on the front and back. When someone wears a scorer, the person will appear to be wearing a mini skirt.

The naming of the score itself was taken because this fashion item combines skirts with shorts (short). Skorot products are widely popular because these items are more practical, athletic, and fashionable. As the name suggests, the pattern of the scorer cloth resembles a skirt but at the bottom is sewn up as shorts.

However, it must be noted that the suspension and the skins are different. The difference in suspension and skinskirt is generally in its shape. Stiffs combine pants and skirts, while skirts are skirt-weared fashion items with various models such as mini, midi, or maxi skirts.

Skort clothes are favored because of the various advantages that the wearer will feel. Here are some of the advantages of the score.

One of the advantages of a score is being able to give the wearer a feminimous impression. This reason is quite taken into account by users. Some people may not be so confident in wearing skirts. If you feel so, the suspension is the way out.

Skort is also considered safer and more practical than skirts. The suspension will still cover the lower body even though the weather is windy. In contrast to skirts that may be exposed when the wind blows fast. In addition, the suspension is also much more practical than skirts. This practicality allows users to move more freely.

The appearance of the scorer is neater than shorts. However, the score is not recommended to be worn at formal events. The score can be worn at casual events that still uphold decency.

When wearing a skirt, the inner thigh usually rubs each other. This condition for some people creates an uncomfortable feeling. To avoid this you can wear a score.

Suspension can be one of the fashion items that helps you have a sporty and casual style. This appearance is usually needed at events such as concerts or outdoor events involving crowds. You are required to be fashionable but at the same time demanded to move freely.

In addition to what the suspension is, visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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