How To Overcome Stomach Soars On The Plane, Don't Panic!
How to deal with a bloating stomach (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA - The comfort of boarding the plane can be disturbed by health problems such as bloating stomachs. Not a few people complain of bloating stomachs when traveling by air. This condition certainly makes it all uncomfortable when sitting on the plane.

When traveling by plane, everyone certainly wants to be able to enjoy the trip with pleasure. However, disturbances such as a bloating stomach often appear inevitable in the middle of the flight. Especially if the stomach is congested from the start of the trip to the destination.

Stomach bloating while boarding the plane is considered less dangerous, but this condition can make physical resistance decrease during the trip and after landing. There are several ways to deal with the bloating stomach on the plane that you can do if you experience this condition.

Stomach condition bloating while boarding the plane can be caused by several factors. Stomach bloating disorders are not only triggered by food or drinks consumed. Changes in air pressure that occur in flight can also cause your stomach to bloating.

Experiencing a bloating stomach when the plane has taken off is indeed very painful. If you experience this condition, here are some ways to deal with the bloating stomach on the plane that you can apply:

When traveling by plane, don't forget to bring enough drinking water. Use your drink to overcome thirst on the plane. Keeping a hydrated body is an important key to avoiding constipation.

When the body lacks fluids, the potential for constipation can be higher. This condition can worsen the gas and cause the stomach to swell. So that digestion remain safe, make sure to meet fluid intake. Avoid alcoholic drinks because it can cause the body to become more easily dehydrated.

For those of you who like to chew gum, you should stop this habit when boarding a plane. Voting rubber candy when flying can actually cause your stomach to swell.

Some people chew rubber candy to treat boredom and get rid of anxiety. The activity of chewing gums also serves to relieve ear discomfort due to air pressure. But behind that, chewing gums causes a lot of air to enter the mouth and triggers a bloating stomach.

Another way you can do to overcome the bloating stomach on the plane is to actively move. Try to do small activities such as moving your legs or waist. Stretch your body while still paying attention to your seat boundaries so as not to disturb other passengers.

In addition, you can also walk to the toilet every few hours. Moving the body can help improve the performance of the intestines and facilitate the spread of gas. In addition, this activity can also divert you from discomfort due to bloating stomach.

Stomach bloating disorders can also be avoided by taking evaporation drugs. It is recommended to take evaporation drugs within one or two days before the day your plane departs. The effect of this drug can minimize the deposit of dirt in the stomach which can cause gas deposits.

In order to keep your body fit and without problems during flight, you also need to pay attention to the food and drinks you eat. Whether that's what you consume before leaving or when you are on the plane.

It is better to avoid food and drinks that contain gas. Pay attention to your diet starting from a day before traveling and when you are on a flight. Some gas foods that should not be consumed, including broccoli, milk, mushrooms, yogurt, shallots, wheat, and others.

A number of foods above can trigger bloating stomachs. In addition, also avoid drinks containing gas such as beer, soda, and other alcoholic beverages. Bring foods that don't interfere with digestion.

Those are some ways to overcome the bloating stomach on the plane that you can apply. Preparations for flying are not only preparation for luggage, but also maintaining a fit and healthy body condition for comfort during the trip. Also read tips on eliminating the fear of boarding the plane.

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