YOGYAKARTA - Conditions for breaking up and how to manage them are actually not difficult matters, it's just that understanding and availability are needed so that they can be successful in managing them. Like what? Let's discuss it!

For the breaking of the KK, it can be done by Indonesian citizens (WNI) who are adults for reasons that are in accordance with the terms and conditions.

To take care of the breaking of the KK, it can be tried at the Office of the Population and Civil Registration Office (Disdukcapil), or through the local kelurahan/sub-district. Breaking the KK can also be done by adults who are still single or not married for certain clear reasons.

As reported by the Indonesia Good website, the KK is valid when an adult can have their own KK. Whether they still live at home with their parents or do not live with their parents because they are in the population administration system (adminduk) in Indonesia.

Reporting from the official Disdukcapil website of several regions, here are the provisions and requirements along with procedures for taking care of the breaking of the KK:

Requirements And Provisions Of Pecak KK

KK Breaking Management Procedures

How To Take Care Of Missing Or Damaged Families

The steps taking care of the missing or damaged KK are as follows:

For information, this process does not require a fee.

In addition, you can also find out how to take care of the Lost or Damaged Diplomas by reading here.

So after knowing the conditions for breaking up and how to take care of it, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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