YOGYAKARTA Health and happiness as well as the success of children in the future, are the attention of parents. According to expert searches, the parents of children have a strong mentality of paying attention to the comprehensive aspect for the development of their children. They also did not do the following so that the children had a strong mentality.
This is related to the aspect of behavior, in which the parents of children have a strong mentality about the health of their children's brains. They prepare the readiness of children to solve problems at home, school, and in social relationships. Caring for the brain with a full of love, means controlling the way children think, the way they feel, and the behavior and actions of their children when they get along with other people.
Parents who care, mean understanding the development of their children's childhood. If you don't understand the development of their children, parents hope more but don't realize the independence of their children. Basic understanding of children's development must be owned by parents.
That way the parents give their children space to develop. Like when children get older, it's normal if they start making their own decisions. At that time, parents needed to respect their decision and keep an eye on it in order to anticipate bad behavior.
If the parents' motto is "Do what I say, not what I do", it means there will be big problems ahead. If parents lie, cheat, be rude or disrespectful, eat unhealthy foods, and never pay attention to their own health, the child will imitate their parents. So being a good role model will be imitated by their children.
Taking place is important for parents. Because with empathy, parents will understand meaningful times in the development of their children. Forget what it's like to be children or teenagers, confining children. They will be prosecuted according to the wishes of their parents. So, give children space to enjoy their childhood and search for the world in their teens. That way, children will feel how to fight for the challenges of life according to their age.
According to research reported by mbgRelationship, Monday, April 8, children who grow up with many psychological problems have parents who never set the right limits. This limit includes what children may and should not do regarding their behavior and attitudes in various aspects of everyday life. It is also important for parents to understand, teaching discipline needs to be done consistently, not permissive.
Children are products from both parents. If you say negative things about other parents, you actually say negative things about your child. So, avoid comparing the way you nurture your children with other parents. Because comparing, it means weakening other parents and lowering your child's self-esteem.
In relationships in general it takes two things, namely time and the willingness to listen. If you don't spend time with your children or have a bad relationship, they will most likely develop hatred and rebel. So it's important to spend quality time with children. Build a good bond so that they imitate the values and morals that their parents hold.
The above is something parents of a child with a strong mentality don't do. Has your parents done the opposite?
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