Use Of Anti-Corruption After Bathing Morning, Is It OK?
Illustration (Tima Miroshnichenko/Pexels)

JAKARTA - One of the self-care routines that you might do after taking a shower in the morning is applying anti-pimpir right after you take off your towel. But actually, you need to do this at night instead of morning.

Skin health expert at The University of Texas at Austin, S. Tyler Hollmag, says anti-pympirism works best when applied to clean and dry skin.

"Because we usually sweat less at night, applying it at night often helps increase efficacy," he said as quoted by Livestrong.

Hollmag said most anti-pimpirs are made from aluminum to block sweatways and reduce the amount of sweat that reaches the skin's surface. However, if you apply anti-pimpirs immediately after bathing, when the skin is still moist the ingredients in the product will mix with sweat before entering the skin. That means the blockage is made above the skin's surface instead of in the sweat gland.

What about deodorant? This product is different from anti-pympirical. According to Hollmag, deodorant actually doesn't help reduce sweat. On the other hand, this product covers odors by neutralizing bacteria or by emitting scents that hide body odors.

Since there are so many products out there - anti-pympirism, deodorant, combination, then you should take a moment to think about what you need (sweat or disappearance or both).

If you're not sure, try consulting a dermatologist first. Then, what product can be used after bathing in the morning? Actually, using anti-pespiration is not a problem. You don't need to feel pressured to change your routine. It's the same if you are a deodorant user.

There is no need to use anti-cycling if your odor wetting product is sufficient. However, it may be a good idea to change your product and or your routine if what you are doing now doesn't work on your body. For example, if you are currently using deodorant but the sweat is still pouring from your clothes, consider switching to stronger products such as anti-pempirion.

Likewise, if you are the type of person who likes to take a shower in the morning and must continue to use anti-pimpir all day long but the product does not stop sweat as it should, try bathing at night, then dry the body thoroughly and use anti-pempir.

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