JAKARTA - Eating patterns for diabetics are recommended to follow 3J principles, namely types, numbers, and schedules. From the type aspect, individuals with diabetes are encouraged to consume various types of food and have sufficient nutritional content.

Nutritionist from RSUPN dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo SR Wahyuningrum, SKM, RD distributes food consumption tips that are safe for diabetics during Eid holidays.

"We consume food types by varying and fulfilling the requirements to become carbohydrate, there is a source of protein, both animal and vegetable, plus fiber from vegetables and fruits," said Wahyuningrum as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, March 30.

In addition to the type of food, the amount of food consumed must be adjusted to the recommended dose and nutritional needs for the body. Then, must pay attention to a regular meal schedule. In a day it is recommended to eat three times a day plus two snacks.

"When fasting, there are two main foods, namely during sahur and breaking the fast and two meals at the time of breaking the fast before the Maghrib prayer and other foods after tarawih prayers," he said.

Meanwhile, during Eid, foods containing calories are found, including ketupat, rendang, chicken opor, to pastries. Therefore, people with diabetes need to regulate food consumption during Eid so as not to endanger health.

Wahyuningrum recommends taking only one side dish for example, if you can choose between rendang or chicken opor with a record that chicken meat is cooked without skin.

Meanwhile, for the consumption of pastries as light food, the recommended ideal amount is 4 to 5 pieces in one day.

"It (consumption of pastries) does not once eat him as a substitute for snacks, it can be 2 snacks in the morning 2 in the afternoon," he said.

Then, limit the consumption of sweet drinks or can replace sugar with other low-calorie sweeteners.

The member of the Association of Indonesian Nutritionists (PERSAGI) also encourages the consumption of many vegetables such as boiled green vegetables or vegetables to increase fiber intake for the body.

In addition, meet the need for water by drinking eight glasses in one day and what is no less important is to do sports routines and continue to take medication according to the doctor's advice.

"In addition to eating, we have arranged it and then don't forget to take medicine according to the doctor's advice. Don't forget to keep exercising, so take at least 30 minutes every day," suggested Wahyuningrum.

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