How To Work KB Spiral Hormones And Non-Hormones, Understand Before Installing!
Illustration of KB Spiral (Photo: Unsplash)

YOGYAKARTA The way Spiral KB works needs to be understood so that you can choose which type of Spiral family is safe to use to postpone pregnancy.

Please note, KB Sprial or IUD (Intrauterine Device) is a means of contraception for women. This contraceptive tool is widely chosen because it lasts a long time and has up to 99 percent effectiveness.

KB IUD or spiral is used by inserting it into the uterus. The installation process is not long, it only lasts about 15-20 minutes and can be done by doctors or midwives.

KB Spiral is divided into two types, namely KB Spiral Hormonal and non-hormal Spiral KB. Both have different ways of working in preventing pregnancy.

KB Spiral Hormonic is KB IUD which contains synthesis progesterone hormones.

Quoted from AI-Care, hormonal KB IUD works by releasing the hormone protein into the uterus. In this way, the mucus in the cervix will become thicker so that sperm will find it difficult to swim in the uterus.

In addition, hormonal Spiral KB can also thin the uterine wall which should thicken when fertilization occurs. This can stop the release of eggs (ovulation) and prevent sperm cells from producing eggs.

Not only that, this type of Spiral KB can also reduce the flow of menstrual blood which often causes pain in the lower abdomen (dismenore).

The use of Spiral KB to prevent pregnancy has many advantages, including:

On the other hand, the use of hormonal Spiral KB also has some shortcomings, including:

Meanwhile, non-hormonal KB Spiral is an IUD KB which is coated with copper. In terms of preventing pregnancy, this type of Spiral KB works by preventing sperm cells from entering the channel between the uterus and the egg (tupa falopi).

The installation of non-hormonic IUD can make sperm cells unable to meet egg cells for fertilization. As a result, egg cells become more difficult to fertilize in the uterus.

The use of non-hormonal KB IUD has many advantages, such as:

Behind its advantages, non-hormonal spiral KB also has many shortcomings, including:

That's information about how Spiral KB works. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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