YOGYAKARTA The type of thread that sews the wound is certainly different from the usual sewing thread that functions to cover the torn cloth. The sewing thread of the wound is made of nylon and the intestines of the smooth sheep or cow. This material is used to strengthen the unification of the tissue of the injured body.
In Medical Science, the type of wound sewing thread is divided based on absorption, structure, and manufacturing materials. For more details, see the review below.
Based on the absorption in the body, the wound sewing thread is categorized in two large groups, namely:
Absorbable threads are sewing threads that can be absorbed by the body. This type of thread sewing this wound does not need to be removed after being used to cover torn wounds or tissues.
Absorbable threads are also referred to as yarns that become meat, because enzymes in the body's searings can naturally unravel this thread, generally in 2 weeks or more.
This type of wound sewing thread is made of ingredients that cannot be digested or decomposed by the body's enzymes, so it will remain in the tissue.
Because it cannot be decomposed, the non-absorbable thread must be removed after being used to sew the external body tissue. In general, the absorbable thread will be removed within 4-14 days after surgery.
Based on the structure of the material, the type of wound sewing thread is divided into several categories, including:
The monofilament thread consists of one single strand, used to sew wounds mainly on soft tissues. The monofilament thread is so thin that it can easily penetrate the tissue. In addition, this thread also has a flat and smooth surface, making microbes difficult to develop and lower the risk of infection.
This type of thread sews this wound consists of several strands, arranged from small braids that are jointly braided. The multifilament thread is stronger than the monofilament thread, but it can increase the risk of infection because it is thicker in size.
Based on raw materials for making, the type of wound sewing thread is divided into two groups, namely:
The natural thread used to sew the wound is made of Equipment or fiber of the intestine (gult). This type of sewing thread can be absorbed and decomposed by the body's enzymes.
Several examples of wound sewing threads made from natural ingredients, namely catgut, plain straightener, and chrome straightener.
Synthesis threads are made of man-made materials, such as nylon. This type of thread is most often used to sew open wounds.
The monfilament thread and multifilament are examples of wound sewing threads made of synthesis.
In addition to nylon, some synthesis ingredients that can be used to make wound sewing threads are polypropylene, silk, and polyester.
That's information about the type of wound sewing thread. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.
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