YOGYAKARTA - Not only meat, chicken ceker parts are also often used for various dishes. Generally, Ceker processing is found as a chicken toppingmi or a mixture of soto. In addition, there are also those who process it into chips after being separated from their bones. Before the processing process is carried out, chicken ceker must be cleaned first. This aims to eliminate the smell and dirt that sticks. So, how to clean the most effective chicken ceker? Check out the full review below.

Below are the techniques that can be done to clean chicken cekers:

How to clean the first chicken ticker is to wash it with running water. This step must be taken so that the dirt attached to the peker can be cleaned. As for removing the unpleasant aroma, you can give lime juice, let it sit for a moment, and then rinse.

Some chicken sellers let chicken nails stick to their pastries. Well, before processing, you are advised to remove or cut this nail or ceker tip. This needs to be done so that you are not uncomfortable when eating it. In addition, this is done to maintain the cleanliness of the food.

The next step, chicken ceker can be stolen by hot water. To do so, place the paster in a clean container, then pour hot water into it. Leave the chicken ceker for 10-15 seconds, and then lift and drain.

How to clean the next chicken ceker is to peel the outer skin with a knife. Before doing so, make sure your knife is sharp to make it easier to peel it. However, actually, after being doused with hot water, chicken cekers become soft and the outer skin will be easier to peel.

If the outer skin is still difficult to peel, you can re-submerge chicken cekers with hot water. Then clean the chicken ceker for 5-10 seconds, then lift it up, and drain it. After the Ceker is cold, don't forget to clean it again.

Ceker chicken which is soaked in hot water for too long is an inaccurate way to clean chicken cekers. The reason is, this will make the ceker ripe and difficult to peel. How to clean the chicken Ceker above can be done when you are interested in processing it. So, make sure the ceker is clean before cooking.

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