Nunukan Police, North Kalimantan (Kaltara) has named the motorist of the Cinta Putri speedboat, Irwasnyah alias Wawan (22) as a suspect in the sinking of a speedboat in the waters of Tinabasan, Nunukan Regency on Wednesday, January 29.

Nunukan Police Chief AKBP Bonifasius Rumbewas through the Head of Public Relations of the Nunukan Police, Ipda Zainal Yusuf emphasized that Irwansyah was most responsible for the illegal speedboat voyage.

"Investigators from the Nunukan Police have named a motorist as a suspect for this disaster," said Ipda Zainal Yusuf, Friday, January 31.

"Investigators have also asked for information from the survivors, in conclusion Irwansyah was very negligent in this voyage," he explained. The 200 PK speedboat carrying 18 passengers. 10 passengers survived, 7 passengers were declared dead and 1 person is still being searched.

"The joint SAR team of the National Police, TNI, Basarnas, BPBD and also residents are still searching for 1 passenger who has not been found on behalf of Ahmad Rahmadani (22), a resident of Jalan Yos Sudarso RT. 01 Tanjung Harapan Village, Nunukan Selatan District, Nunukan Regency," said Zainal.

Meanwhile, the results of the inspection of the Cinta Putri speedboat shipping were not equipped with a Safety Pas from the Kaltara Land Transportation Management Center (BPTD) in Nunukan.

"There is also no route permit from the local government, speedboat shipping is carried out illegally because it departs from the traditional Aji Putri dock, which so far does not have an operational permit from the regional government or provincial government," he said.

Including not having a shipping document, passengers also do not use Life Jacket or life jacket vests.

"Irwansyah's actions as a motorist violated Article 359 of the Criminal Code which reads who because of his mistake (his negligence) caused other people to die to be threatened with a maximum sentence of 5 years," he explained.

As previously reported, the Cinta Putri speedboat had an accident in the waters of Tinabasan. From passenger information, Speedboat was hit by a big wave that caused the body speedboat to burst and passengers jumped into the sea.

One of the passengers who was found dead named Nurdin (42) on Thursday, January 30, 2025, at around 18.20 WITA in Tinabasan waters was a member of the National Police from the Nunukan Police unit.

The following is the identity of the deceased victim:

1. Massolerang (51) address Jalan Dewi Sartika, Tanjung Harapan Village, Nunukan Selatan District.

2. Gisman (61) address Jalan Pongtiku, Nunukan Tengah Village

3. Amin/Acay (39) address Jalan Lumba-lumba, Nunukan Timur Village

4. Salinah (32) address Jalan Lumba-lumba, East Nunukan Village.

5. Heri Madura (45) address Jalan Antasari RT 01, Nunukan Tengah Village, Nunukan District

6. Andi Arizal alias Panjang (45) address Gang Limau Street RT. 03 South Nunukan Village, South Nunukan District.

7. Nurdin (42) address Jalan Lumba Lumba RT. 14 East Nunukan Village, Nunukan District, Nunukan Regency.

The victim was found safe:

1. Narira (45) address Jalan Manunggal Bakti, Nunukan Timur Village.

2. Irwansyah (23) address PLN Lama, Nunukan Barat Village.

3. Jupri (50) address Jalan Sungai Sembilan, Nunukan Selatan District

4. Tommy (36) address Jalan Tanjung, Nunukan Barat Village.

5. Rudianto / Unding / Udin (35) Jalan ring, Selisun Village.

6. Lamade/Made (48) address Jalan Hasanuddin, Selisun Village.

7. Jamal (43) address Jalan Pesantren Hidayatullah.

8. Aspar (31) address Jalan Tien Suharto, East Nunukan Village.

9. Lukman/Landjang address Jalan Selisun, South Nunukan District

10. Arwan (29) address Jalan Yos Sudarso Rt 10, Tanjung Harapan Village, Nunukan Selamatan District.

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