JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) reported that there would be a Total Solar Eclipse on April 8. Do you feel happy or anxious about the upcoming eclipse? If you have strong feelings, you are not alone.

Quoted from Psychology Today, Wednesday, watching eclipses can evoke various emotions and have significant psychological effects on individuals.

Here are some of the effects of watching an eclipse on a person's emotions: 1. Kagum and Keheraan. Quoted from ANTARA, eclipses are an amazing natural phenomenon that can cause admiration and wonder. The view of the moon covering the sun or the absorption of the sky can evoke strong emotions. In fact, according to NASA, don't be surprised if you or someone around you will cry. The view of a rare volcanic event is so strong.

2. Connection. The eclipse has a unique ability to unite people. A shared experience in observing eclipses, whether with friends, family, or even strangers, can foster a sense of connection.

According to a recent study in Psychological Science, people who are in the eclipsing zone have greater prosocial behavior and collective quality than those who do not. In other words, it can help others and feel more attached to the people around them.

3. Joy and Anticipation. Anticipation ahead of the eclipse can cause great joy. People may enthusiastically prepare for the event, make plans to go to optimal monitoring sites or gather with others to share experiences.

Increasing anticipation can create an increasing emotional state, increasing feelings of joy and enthusiasm.

4. Anxiety. It is important to admit that for some individuals, watching an eclipse can evoke feelings of vulnerability, anxiety, or even panic. Anything extraordinary or different can trigger concern, especially for those with fundamental anxiety or depression.

The emotional impact of an eclipse can vary from person to person. Some individuals may experience intense emotions, while others may have a more subtle response. Overall, the experience of watching an eclipse can be a strong emotional event, raising feelings.

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