JAKARTA - Mouth Disease Specialist at Sari Asih Hospital Ciputat, Drg Rani Handayani, said that pulling teeth during the fasting month does not break the fast.

"Giving anesthesia in the form of injections/sprays/gels applied around the teeth that will be lifted, does not break the fast as long as it is done carefully and not too much even if something is swallowed," Rani said in her statement, Sunday, March 24, quoted by Antara.

He said that fasting does not stop when pulling teeth refers to the fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) in 2018 regarding the actions of dentistry during fasting as stated in Decree Number 250/E/MUI-KBN/2018.

Another action that also does not invalidate fasting is the repair of teeth and drugs applied to dental activity, then swallowed accidentally during the dental repair process.

This does not invalidate fasting as long as it is done carefully and not excessively. "Temporary load that is swallowed does not invalidate fasting," he said.

Then, cleaning the dental reefs while carried out carefully and not excessively during the gargling process with antiseptic water / mouthwash, do not break the fast, even if some are swallowed

"The 'fresh' sensation during the cleaning of dental corals does not invalidate fasting. The occurrence of bleeding during the process of cleaning dental corals does not invalidate fasting," he said.

He added that this needs to be known, because dental and oral care is considered as a medical treatment that is important for the health and well-being of a person.

"However, many doubt, because it is feared that one can break a person's fast," he said.

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