JAKARTA - Former husband and wife, Inara Rusli and Virgoun finally decided to make peace regarding the issue of song royalties. This was conveyed directly by Virgoun's attorney, Leonardo Ompusunggu

He said that his client and Inara Rusli had officially reconciled since Friday, March 22. This is a touching moment for both of them after having a chance to get along.

"We are very happy because today, Friday, March 22, 2024, finally the plaintiff and defendant have succeeded in peace. So this moment is indeed an emotion," said Leonardo Ompusung at the Central Jakarta District Court, recently.

Even though it ended peacefully, Inara Rusli's attorney, Arjana Bagaskara, explained that his client still received part of the royalties according to the judge's decision at the time of their divorce.

However, the amount of royalties obtained by Inara Rusli cannot be conveyed to the public.

"There has been a good agreement. Alhamdulillah, the parties have met the meeting point and we just need to continue the next process," said Arjana Bagaskara.

In addition to making peace regarding royalties, Inara and Virgoun also agreed to withdraw the report they sent at Polda Metro Jaya some time ago.

"Yes, thank God there has been an agreement (a royalty case), there has also been a revocation of the police report. Yes, it has been agreed (to withdraw the report), so we will hold it," said Arjana Bagaskara.

It was previously reported that Inara Rusli reported her ex-husband for a case of adultery while Virgoun reported Inara for an illegal access case.

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