JAKARTA - Grief is enveloping the country's entertainment world where actor and presenter Donny Kesuma passed away on Tuesday, March 19, at 19.19 WIB in Bekasi, West Java.

It was previously reported that Donny Kesuma had been rushed to the hospital due to a weak heart condition. Donny's second son, Ghassan Kesuma, denied that his father had a heart attack like the news spread.

"Actually, it's not a heart attack, papa's heart is weak but not a sudden attack," explained Ghassani Kesuma recently.

Furthermore, Ghassaan tried to describe the figure of his father in his eyes. He firmly stated that Donny was a hard-working father who opened up his children.

"Papa is a good person, he doesn't look at his hair to help, Papa is hard-working, number one for the children," said Ghassaan Kesuma in the Bekasi area, West Java, Wednesday, March 20.

Ghazaan said that he always adhered to and remembered Donny's message to him where he was asked to be more successful than his father and had to maintain the good name of the family.

"You have to be a successful child who exceeds Papa, maintains the good name of the family," continued Ghassaan.

With his father's departure, Ghazaan hopes that his father's hopes can be achieved and can continue to see his children succeed from heaven.

"Papa likes to joke, his luggage continues to be happy. Hopefully Papa's hopes can be achieved, and sees that we are all successful from above," he concluded.

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