PAPUA - The Jayapura Regency Government, Papua, is targeting an increase in the number of MSME actors, especially from indigenous Papuans (OAP) in its area. Data in 2024 shows that the number of perpetrators is still recorded at 5,800 people.

Head of the Jayapura Regency Cooperatives and MSMEs Service, Hariyanto, in Sentani, Sunday, said that MSME players in the comparative area were 60:40.

"MSME actors in Jayapura Regency, especially urban areas such as Sentani, East Sentani and Waibu are still dominated by non-OAP communities," he said.

According to Hariyanto, this is a note for his party to continue to encourage the MSME sector to OAP.

"Business training and capital will still be provided this year, as has been done in 2024 or in previous years," he said.

He explained the strategy carried out in 2025, providing capital assistance to MSME actors who are running normally and become assisted.

"We will focus on OAP MSME players whose businesses are running normally, while those who are not doing well do not get support so that it becomes an evaluation for them," he said.

He added that training for increasing entrepreneurship was still provided which was focused on management.

"We are strengthening the management capacity of every MSME actor from 19 districts in Jayapura Regency, so that their business can continue to grow and increase," he said.

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