JAKARTA - His little boy is fit to like to play and move. There are children who can sit quietly and color for hours. But, there are also those who can't sit still for two minutes. These children tend to be restless, jump, run, and even climb.

Adults who see will quickly assume that energetic children suffer from impaired attention and hyperactivity (ADHD). However, this is not the only reason why children can be hyperactive. Reporting from Very Well Family, Friday, March 15, here are the reasons why children become hyperactive.

Whether it's permanent chaos or a short-term schedule change, children often become hyperactive when they experience stressful life events. Even positive changes, such as having a new sibling or moving into a new environment, can cause a lot of stress for a child.

In addition, children can also be under stress from their parents. If you are stressed, it is likely that the child will also experience the same thing. Make sure the child has a consistent and predictable routine. If in the family experiences stressful life events, give children certainty and extra support.

Emotional problems often look like behavioral disorders in children. A child with anxiety disorders will find it difficult to sit still. Or a child with trauma disorders due to scary events can cause difficulty concentrating. If you suspect that hyperactive children are caused by emotional problems, look for professional help. Fast and proper treatment can reduce various symptoms, including hyperactive.

There are several physical health problems that cause hyperactivity. Hyperthyroids, for example, can cause various symptoms, including anxiety and hyperactivity. There are also other genetic problems that can lead to increased activity.

Talk to pediatricians about the symptoms you see your child experiencing. Saving your list of concerns in detail can help doctors identify potential health problems that may be the root of the problem.

Fitrah anak adalah aktif dan energik. Tanpa olahraga yang cukup, mereka akan kesulitan untuk duduh. Sayangnya, beberapa anak hyperaktif dihukum dengan kehilangan hak rest di sekolah. Tidak punya kesempatan berjalan dan bermain memperburuk hyperaktif.

Encourage children to exercise often every day. Playing in playgrounds, cycling, and running provides opportunities for children to channel their energy into productive activities.

Although adults tend to be slow when tired, on the other hand, children often become hyperactive. Whether you skip naps or are late for bed, sleepy children will be more excited than before.

When the child lacks rest, his body will respond by producing more cortisol and adrenaline so that he is maintained. As a result, the child has more energy. Make sure the child is getting enough sleep. If you have difficulty making sure to get enough rest, talk to a pediatrician about a strategy that can help.

That's five reasons children become hyperactive, apart from being disturbed by ADHD. For information, preschoolers are very active. Don't expect you to find your little one to sit still for hours to pay attention to something. Because being active is part of its development.

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