JAKARTA - The name Tisya Erni is said to be the third person in the household of entrepreneurs Aden Wong and Amy BMJ. Now, his name is again associated with Sule and Nathalie Holscher who was married.

It is known that Tisya Erni was once suspected of being the third person in Sule and Nathalie's marriage. Even though they were divorced, Sule and Nathalie were always silent about the reason they divorced.

Nathalie Holscher recently wrote his gratitude that the facts began to be revealed one by one. He, who was blasphemed for suing for divorce, Sule, felt relieved about this.

"It's okay to blaspheme here and there all over me. Yes, his name is related to a person who has a big name," wrote Nathalie Holscher.

"Surely even though I was right, I was wrong. THE TE has been opened," he continued.

The word TE in the article allegedly means Tisya Erni, who is said to have been close to Sule. Tisya even explained that they had communicated intensively.

"There's only one left, O Allah," wrote Nathalie Holscher.

In 2021, Tisya Erni is said to be the cause of the conflict between Sule and Nathalie Holscher. He admitted that he was close to Sule long before marrying Nathalie Holscher.

Furthermore, he explained that their closeness had been going on for more than a year. At that time he once admitted that he was close from social media to private messages.

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