Tips To Prevent Dry Skin During Fasting, From Drinking Water To Avoid Iritan
Illustration of fasting (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA During fasting, the body lacks fluids. This condition has an impact on dry skin. To anticipate this, follow tips on preventing dry skin during fasting to stay healthy and look beautiful.

Dry skin when fasting is quite disturbing appearance. In addition, this condition will also interfere with skin health. Here are some tips to prevent dry skin when fasting.

One way to care for the skin is to drink enough water. Try to meet the water needs. This need can be met by drinking enough water when breaking the fast until suhoor. Please note, humans need water on average 2.7 liters (female) and 3.7 liters (male).

When open or sahur avoid foods that are too much sugar. In addition, try to drink fruits and vegetables. Avoid unhealthy foods such as fried foods or other fast foods. You can also consume foods containing antioxidants.

During fasting, there will be a change in sleep patterns so that you pay attention to rest in order to stay adequate and quality. Avoid staying up late because you have to be suhoor at 3 am. Lack of sleep will make skin dull and dry.

Avoid using soap that triggers dry skin. Bath soap also has a health impact on the skin. Use a moisturizer after bathing if necessary.

Meeting the need for drinking water alone is not enough. Overcome dry skin while fasting by wearing a special moisturizer for the skin. Use moisturizing regularly, especially if you are going to do outdoor activities. Avoid using moisturizers that contain alcohol or other hard ingredients that trigger skin getting duller.

Sunlight is one of the triggers for dry skin, especially during fasting. To prevent dry skin during fasting because of the sun, don't forget sunscreen. When fasting the skin will be very susceptible to UV light so that the skin will dry easily.

The humidity of the air in the room such as bedrooms or rooms in the office needs to be maintained so that it is not too hot. Hot and dry rooms will trigger dry skin, even trigger dry and cracked lips. To keep the humidity of the air in your room can use a humidifier. Don't use air conditioning too often because it will trigger the skin to get drier.

During fasting, try to avoid alegen and irritation such as avoiding wearingte clothes or swimming in high-water chlorine. These two things can dry out of skin.

It is also recommended to find out steps to prevent and treat dry skin so that it remains healthy and maintained.

Those are some tips to prevent dry skin during fasting. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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