YOGYAKARTA Before planning a baby's presence, it is important for parents to prepare everything. Including when they have their second child or after. The first child's older brother needs to be given the right attention and understanding as a brother. Adaptation certainly requires a process for the first children who will have a younger sibling. Well, parents need to prepare mentally and energy to educate their older brother so they don't get jealous. Here, things that need to be prepared by the parents when the first child will have a younger brother.
When telling a child about his future brother, consider your own comfort as your child's parents and maturity levels. For example, preschoolers may not understand the concept of time so it doesn't mean much if you say their sister will be born in the coming months. Maybe they will find it easier to understand if explained about the season when their sister was born.
If the child shows interest in the baby's younger sibling, you can encourage by looking at children's photos, reading books about childbirth, visiting friends who have babies, thinking about prospective baby names, and going to the doctor to hear the baby's heartbeat.
Parents certainly need more knowledge when they want to have more than one child. In certain classes in hospitals, for example, it usually includes lessons about holding babies, how babies are born, and opportunities for children to discuss their feelings about having brothers, both boys and girls.
When approaching the date of birth, make arrangements for bigger children. Discuss plans and make rules and agreements with your child. Consider letting your child visit you in the hospital as soon as possible after the baby is born. Ideally a visit when there are no other visitors to make family ties more intimate.
The needs of children who are bigger and who are about to be born certainly need to be accommodated and fulfilled as well as possible. Launching Kids Health, Tuesday, March 5, try to make and maintain routines as often as possible, especially before the birth of the baby. If the older brother plans to move rooms, do it a few weeks before the estimated date of birth.
If a bigger child approaches an important stage of growth, try teaching him long ago. For example, when the first child enters training toilet practice, do it long before the birth date of the second baby.
Involvement is important because it makes children responsible, has a role, reduces jealousy, and can adapt more easily. Many children want to help take care of newborns. While the "assistance" may mean that every task takes longer, it can give greater children the opportunity to positively interact with their baby brothers.
As explained above, having more than one child requires adjustment, energy, patience, and strategies so that older children are not jealous or feel neglected. So allocate time every day with bigger children. By spending time with them, it can help relieve feelings of jealousy, anger, or hatred for newborns.
In addition to preparing six things before the first child has a younger brother, such as an explanation above, it is also important to build a comfortable home situation. If there are many family members, try to work together to build a situation that does not make their older brother feel neglected. Plus, encourage older children to talk about their feelings for newborns.
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