Successfully Accompanying Damar Abhikrisna Painting Exhibition, Vera Lasut: Find Children's Art Talents From Toddlers
Vera Lasut and i Damar Abhikrisna (ist)

JAKARTA - Each child is born with their own talents. Parents can explore, hone, and develop children's talents so that their abilities can develop optimally.

Usually children begin to show interest and preference for something at the age of toddlers (2-5 years). Parental assistance is needed to maximize children's talents.

As Vera Lasut did when accompanying her second son, Damar Abhikrisna joined the painting exhibition titled An Independent Children at the Bintaro Mardid from March 2-30.

"This is Abhi's first exhibition, a joint exhibition with 46 other children. Each gave one work, well Abhi displayed a canvas painting entitled Saturn 2050," Vera said at the opening of the exhibition, Saturday, March 2.

According to him, the habit of painting with children forms Abhi's talent. The producer, who has just produced the film Temptation of Satan, has freed his son from trying all kinds of art.

"There is no special treatment in educating children, but it's normal from a young age to see me painting. So I've known art from a young age, if I paint, Abhi likes to join in asking for canvases. I allow him to use my tools, but I always give him expression-free, what kind is it up to. Maybe because he sees what I paint, he often paints together so he can learn his lesson, "he said.

Even though she is busy, Vera always takes the time to accompany the child's growth and development. In fact, every child gets their own time so that they can freely express what they like.

"Blessing and children's interest are different, we have to take the time to do what they want. This is where we can get to know what the child's talent is. If there is time to accompany, I like to make quality time with each child so I can know and direct it well." he explained.

When Abhi's painting talent was seen, Vera, who is also a painter, released her to express what was in her mind. "From a young age, we really liked to play art together. I often invite you to make art from babies, I make it safe for children. Well, when it gets bigger they want to use my tools, I always allow them. What do you want to draw, whatever it is, the coincidence that is exhibited now is actually your own work. Abhi asked for a canvas, asked for paint, and wanted a picture of the planet, I let it go and I didn't see the process, so his painting. The description of the work is also from Abbu himself, I asked then I wrote it down in the catalog," he said.

The painting about the saturus planet that Abhi exhibited, recalls Vera, was made in 30 minutes after school. Without his intervention, Abhi finished himself and the results made Vera dumbfounded.

"Never been forced, because from a young age they always work together. If they make art, Abhi together with her sister and sister are never prohibited. At least I just give the basics, for example red mixed blue to purple, they try to do it themselves. So if they ask me to fulfill it, that's why they never have a mood, because they want it. There is nothing different about my tools and their tools. I want to use canvases, paint whatever I can," he explained.

The freedom given to children makes them feel unstressed. Plus, Vera made herself an example for children. "So when I let them express freely, when we do, they also follow suit by setting an example for them. I don't force children, let them be creative. If they are ready, they will be maximized.

Finally, give appreciation as Vera includes Abhi's painting for exhibitions. Vera hopes that the exhibition of child paintings can increase as a channel for children's talents.

"This exhibition can be a space for presentation of his work, explaining what is in his mind. Of course, he hopes that Abhi can be more confident and enthusiastic about working in the future. This painting exhibition event with children is very good because it can be a channel to convey children's talents. The hope is that it can be continuous, so that it can help children work and become a great character," he said.

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