How To Start A Conversation With A Prospective In-law To Become A Favorite Mantu
Illustration of chat with prospective in-laws (Rdne Stock/Pexels)

YOGYAKARTA Not many people know how to start a conversation with a future in-laws. Usually in the beginning there will be feelings of nervousness and reluctance so conversations rarely occur. In fact, to become a favorite parent is to increase the discussion with them. In fact, chatting is one way to strengthen the relationship between your son-in-law and in-law.

To start a conversation with in-laws, prospective parents can choose a topic that is common and easy to understand.

Try to get prospective in-laws to open a chat with their prospective in-laws first. Some of these methods can be used if Bungun opens a chat with his in-laws.

One that limits conversations with future in-laws is the topic that is not related. On the other hand, good conversation topics are understood by both parties. For this reason, discussing the conditions that are currently happening can be a good step.

An example of the current condition that can be used as a chat material is the weather, a unique phenomenon that airs on television, or related to activities that are being worked on with prospective in-laws.

Conversations between you and your future in-laws can also be started by talking about the child who will become a partner. This topic is quite related to both parties so that the conversation can continue.

For example, talk about how you and your child first met until finally decided to have a more serious relationship. Or you can also talk about the future after getting married later.

Another interesting topic that can be talked about is related to food. Try to bring special souvenirs if possible to open a chat. This topic can add to the familiarity of you and your future in-laws, it can even lead to going to dinner together at a favorite place to eat.

Before meeting your future in-laws, you can ask your child about a hobby that your parents like. If the hobby you have turns out to be the same, the conversation can continue and be exciting.

Opening the chat by starting to talk about traffic is very possible. Tell me how your journey to the house of a prospective in-laws, using what vehicle and how the traffic you meet on the road. Chats about traffic are indeed quite clich, but are effective at avoiding awkwardness.

Do a brief screening of the conditions in the house. If you find interesting things you can start talking about these items. Some things that can be discussed include paintings, photos, house displays, or other objects that can be discussed.

Those are some ways to start a conversation with a future in-laws. Visit VOI.ID to get more interesting information.

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