How Long Can Orchid Plants Live? Recognize And Know How To Maximize Its Age
Illustration (Alief Baldwin/Pexels)

JAKARTA - Orchids (Orchidaceae) are flowering ornamental plants that are favored because they consist of a variety of colors and blooms of delicate flowers. There are more than 28,000 known orchid species. And can thrive over the years if treated properly.

Orchid plants can live about 15 years or more with the right care. This plant blooms once a year throughout the lifetime of the plant and the flowering cycle usually lasts about 6-10 weeks.

However, you need to understand how to care for the right orchids so that they can thrive for a long time. Without light, temperature, soil, watering schedule, and proper comprehensive care, orchids will not last more than six weeks.

Stay tuned for the following tips, reported by VOI from The Spruce, Thursday, February 22.

Orchids thrive in soils that have good drainage and pots specifically designed to house orchids. This Pot has a hole on its side, which provides extra drainage that allows air circulation to reach the roots. However, orchids can also grow well in pots made of clay if properly treated.

Although you can live well in pots for years, you still need to change orchid plant pots several times. When choosing a pot, pay close attention to the size of the pot. Do not let orchids be bigger than the pot.

Always leave the pot soil completely dry before watering again. If the soil feels dry when touched, it's time to add more water. In general, orchids need to be watered about twice a week, although the amount varies. Avoid watering the plants excessively because it can cause root rot.

Orchids thrive in conditions between 10 and 32 degrees Celsius with a humidity level of 40 to 70 percent, depending on your plant species. Maintaining the right environment is essential, and it is important to consider where you place plants as part of its care.

Placing orchids near the heater, on the AC current path, or even on the windy windowshold can interfere with your health. Ensure your orchid location is maintained at consistent temperatures throughout the year.

Orchids need bright light, but are not exposed to direct sunlight. Placing your plants in windows facing the south or east can provide the bright and indirect light orchid plants it needs.

In addition, please note that orchids only bloom once a year for several months. After the bloom period is over, flowers begin to fall and leave old flower stalks.

You need to clean the remnants of the flower on the stalk so that the orchids can bloom again next year. To do this, cut flower stalks with sharp and sterile sequencing scissors. Don't miss the sterilization process because this will reduce the possibility of bacteria entering orchids.

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