JAKARTA - The case of bullying allegedly involving Vincent Rompies' eldest son still has not found a bright spot. However, one of Vincent Rompies' best friends, Desta finally commented.

This was conveyed by comedian Bopak Castello who said that he had not had direct communication with Vincent since this case circulated.

However, Bopak had time to chat with Desta regarding this case. And this revealed that Natasha Rizki's ex-husband was quite surprised by this news.

"There is no (communication with Vincent) yet. That's why Bopak chatted with Desta, Desta was the same (surprised)," said Bopak Castello, quoted by VOI from YouTube Intense Investigation, Thursday, February 22.

As a friend who has been with Vincent for decades, Desta only hopes that this case can be resolved properly.

"He said (Desta) yes we just pray that hopefully it will be done," continued Bopak.

Furthermore, Bopak also expressed the hopes of Desta and also himself for the school so that they could take responsibility for this incident. He asked the perpetrators suspected of being involved to be given lessons according to the applicable law.

"Hopefully this problem will not be enlarged. Hopefully, the school will still have to be responsible and must be on good legal channels, not anyone's child. In the eyes of the law everything is the same," concluded Bopak.

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