Why Are You Often Hungry When The Weather Is Cold? Find The Answer Here
Illustration of eating during cold weather (Photo: Pixabay/jp26jp)

YOGYAKARTA Why do you often get hungry when the weather is cold? The desire to continue to eat during cold weather can actually be explained scientifically.

Adapting Eating Well, one of the reasons why a person becomes easily hungry when the weather is cold is because the body needs greater energy to warm the body.

One of the simplest reasons is that your body needs to use more energy to stay warm in a colder environment, especially if it's cold causes you chills, said Bri Bell, a dietist in Toronto, Canada.

In addition, there are still several other things that cause a person to become easily hungry when the weather is cold. Anything? Let's look at the full information below.

The hunger that arises during cold weather can also be caused by hormonal changes.

Citing the Everyday Health page, a study reveals that changing seasons affect hormones related to hunger and appetite such as leptin, ghrelin, and glucoroid hormones.

A study in 2019 published in the journal Nutrition & Metabolism states that the hormone leptin hormones that trigger saturation will increase at hot temperatures and their levels will become lower at cold temperatures.

However, the results of this research contradict a study showing that changes in the rhythm of circadiance in places with winter due to less light exposure, make the leptin hormone actually increase while the hormone ghrelin decreases in winter.

Therefore, further research is still needed to clarify the relationship between winter, temperature changes, and hormone levels.

Another cause, which makes a person often feel hungry when the weather is cold, is associated with the hormone serotonin.

Quoted from AI-Care, When it rains that makes the temperature colder, the days outside generally get darker. This situation makes a person spend more time indoors.

Well, reduced sun exposure can actually reduce levels of the hormone serotonin which is a happy hormone. If this hormone level decreases, a person will feel more easily sad or experience a decrease in mood.

To fight this, the body will send a signal that you want foods that contain carbohydrates. This carbohydrate intake helps the body use triptofan (amino acid that can be converted into serotonin) so that it can increase mood when the weather is cold.

You should know, feeling more hungry when the weather is cold is a natural thing. This condition can be caused by increased energy needs or because the body becomes warm after eating.

The process of eating and digesting food can increase body temperature so that it is natural for the body to send signals to eat more during cold weather.

Increasing hunger during cold weather makes a person want to eat various foods.

Well, there are some foods and drinks that are good for consumption when the weather is cold, including:

That's information about why you are often hungry in cold weather. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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