JAKARTA - Opponent attitude is one of the common problems in children, especially at the age of toddlers and adolescents. This attitude is usually characterized by expression or behavior of denying or disobeying parents, teachers, and other adults. If this attitude is continuously allowed, it could cause great harm to your little one in his later adult.

Spending time understanding why your little one acts is often a big part of finding a solution. As a parent, you can handle children who like to oppose with the following light tips from Very Well Family, Friday, February 16.

Children become non-compliant because for them this is the right way to get attention. In fact, a study found that ignoring child-opponent behavior was actually effective in making them more obedient.

Another way to prevent behavior in seeking attention with an opposing attitude is to pay positive attention every day to children. Playing together, spending time chatting, or taking a walk. Positive attention for a few minutes is enough to reduce disobedience.

Although it is difficult to see good behavior when the child is opposed, you still have to find good behavior for the child to be praised. For example, when he is obedient try to fly praise. Delivering the sentence of praise directly shows that you respect your child's obedient attitude.

Make sure the challenging behavior you see is truly disobedience. If your child doesn't listen to you. Or your attention is distracted by playing video games or using your phone. You may need to change how to give directions.

Making eye contact or placing your hand on your shoulder will help you attract your child's attention before speaking. Make sure the child pays attention so that he can absorb what you ordered.

When the child is obedient, give a reward or award for him. Provide positive reinforcement as often as possible and consider creating a reward system so that the child remains on track. This is a form of behavior modification that functions to encourage healthy and cooperative behavior by offering positive reinforcement (or appreciation).

For example, give the child a gift every time he listens to your instructions without arguing. No need for objects. You can cook your favorite food or take him for a walk to a place he likes.

Any non-compliant attitude must be overcome with negative consequences. Time-outs or logical consequences such as the loss of privileges are an effective way to prevent defiance. Remember, consistent discipline is the key to reducing challenging behavior.

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