JAKARTA - Fujianti Utami alias Fuji also voted today, Wednesday, February 14, which also coincides with Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day.

Fuji admitted that the 2024 election would be his first election. Five years earlier he was said to be not old enough because he was only 17 years old and less than 6 months old.

"Yes, it was the first time that time it was not old enough even though it was 17 years less than 6 months old," said Fuji in the South Sukabumi area, West Jakarta, Wednesday, February 14.

However, when he entered the polling room, Fuji looked a little confused and took a long time in the booth.

"Yes, it looks like I've been there for a long time," admitted Fuji.

Fuji explained that he did not understand well how to do voting, so he was a little confused.

"I don't understand how to vote earlier," he said.

Fuji, who was present with his parents, Haji Faisal and Dewi Zuhriati, had time to ask her mother how to vote. The reason is, this is the first time for her.

"'What's this, huh?', because this is the first time," he concluded.

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