YOGYAKARTA Many couples are committed to making love find it difficult to get an orgasm. Usually, women take a long time to 'heat up' or ensure emotional intimacy with their partners works intensely. Many factors affect the pleasure of making love. One of them is the technique done, namely the educational technique, which is an ancient but popular technique for aspects of sexual relations.

Edging is an orgasm control, which is also calledaking to reach uncontrolled pleasure points. This is done by stimulating yourself to the right before orgasm and maintaining arousal conditions using different methods. When techniques are trained quite often, according to Love Panky, Tuesday, February 6, you and your partner can really benefit from edging techniques.

With the technique of controlling orgasm, the goal is to extend ejaculation and orgasm. Basically, the technique carries to the edge, up to a critical point before ejaculation, then stop until the arousal is stimulated until it rises again to the point of pleasure. Edge Edging has been shown to deepen your internal relationship. Since you can hold back orgasm, you will be able to control it, thereby extending the sexual experience. In addition, edging helps you focus on experience rather than the ultimate goal, which is usually a ejaculation/orgasm. The secret to controlling orgasm with edging techniques, can be done with the following steps.

Success depends on the fidelity of intention. To get the pleasure of making love, a suitable mood is needed. How to help regulate the mood, for example by lighting a candle or setting the lighting slightly dim, turning on sexy music, and making out with your partner. If you want to spend longer sex time, eat foods that increase aphrodisics and use lubricants to stimulate.

Without warm-up or foreplay, it is unlikely to reach climax. That means, it is important to warm up. Tell your partner what you want and make sure your partner's needs are also met. It is important to give stimulation to sensitive points of the body. For example in women, stimulate the clitoris gently. Avoid excessive stimulation because it can cause orgasm before time. It is also important to pay attention to stimulation rhythms. Recognize the pleasure point before orgasm, and stop stimuli at that time to delay orgasm. Then give more stimulation to climb towards a higher peak of pleasure.

It is important for your partner to talk about boundaries, or within the scope of an agreement called consent. Before making love with your partner, talk about how you will do it and what to expect. This is useful for knowing how you and your partner can do an edge together because the sensation will be different for everyone.

You should be able to talk to each other openly about your need to be better, but you also need to make sure that you keep in touch. Don't be afraid to tell your partner how you feel, do you need more, and what you need. Shouldn't partners be open to listening to constructive inputs and acting accordingly?

If your partner doesn't know when to stop giving stimulation to help control orgasm, you can miss it and orgasm comes too quickly. So make sure you're vocal or your partner knows when it's time to stimulate up the stairs to the peak of the desired pleasure.

In the whole moment of making love with a partner, it's important to stay relaxed. Performing educational techniques may take a long time. If you're tense, you'll have a hard time doing it. So, find a way to stay relaxed and let go.

To get pleasure needs to experiment, the goal is to do what is right, needed, and limiting. It can also add sex toys but it is important to get approval from a partner.

Those are the seven secrets of edging or controlling orgasm to get a higher level of sexual pleasure. As explained above, ejaculation and orgasm are only one indicator of the process of a fun sex experience. So it is important for you and your partner to communicate openly and build intimacy to stay warm outside of sex activities.

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