JAKARTA - Singer Bunga Citra Lestari alias BCL had the opportunity to attend as a guest star on Tuah Kreasi's YouTube account, which was hosted by comedian Praz Teguh some time ago.

Unge, his nickname, was present to promote his latest film with Reza Rahadian entitled Pasutri Gaje. Where in the film, he and Reza become a married couple.

It just so happened that Unge had recently just married for the second time with Tiko Aryawardhana so that it was in accordance with his latest film. In this film, Unge and Reza were asked about her relationship, seeing this, Praz tried to ask Unge about this in her original life.

However, Unge said that she had no plans to add more children after having the son of her late husband, Ashraf Sinclair named Noah. He said that he was too old to have more children.

"Like it or not, it's old. If you look there, you're 27 years old. If this is already 40," said Bunga Citra Lestari, quoted by VOI from YouTube Tuah Kreasi, Thursday, February 1.

In addition, Unge explained that at the age of 4, it is too risky to do a pregnancy program. This is what prevents him from having more children.

"It seems risky, if you are already in the age of fourty something. Above 35, 40 is already at risk," he concluded.

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