JAKARTA - Artist Nadila Ernesta said that she really enjoyed her role as a mother of two children and wife of musician Eno Guitara Ryanto or known as Eno Netral.

When he was not in the shooting project, Nadila chose to spend her time with her husband and children.

"Because I'm not very busy if there are projects, my life will turn out to be for my children and my husband," said Nadila Ernesta in Kuningan, South Jakarta, Tuesday, January 30.

Furthermore, Nadila said that now she actually has more time to be with her small family. The reason is that her two children, Gilian Guitara Ryanto and Nabuma Melodee Ryanto already have their own rooms.

"Indeed, because they are getting bigger, we have more time to spend time together, more because they have slept in their respective rooms," explained Nadila.

This is what couples who got married in 2013 finally used to make the moment before bed the right time for quality time.

"So we can talk together before going to bed, going together to watch the children already understand," he concluded.

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